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Transcribed Classes

A Life That Is Free From Bondage #14


Become_an_Avyakt_Angel_14 Mohini_Didi April 14, 2023

Om Shanti everyone!

Baba’s knowledge is truth, it’s very simple but has deep meaning. We need to go deeper, try to understand and then create our stage based on that. Baba is talking about being imperishable. Baba is imperishable, Baba’s knowledge is imperishable so Baba says your dharna, your stage, should also be imperishable. Baba explains the method and if we use that method definitely we will find that we are experiencing that stage and also creating stability in that stage so that it starts becoming your nature, your own being.

Baba drew our attention to looking at everyones eternal and original sanskars. No matter what is anyone’s nature, not to create any bondage of karma. It could be created through thoughts, words and actions. One time Dadi Janki was saying to someone that if somebody did wrong or something which is not appropriate, but we keep talking about it, it’s creating karmic accounts also. Whenever we speak our vibrations go in the atmosphere and also reach that soul. Looking at, not the present sanskar, but eternal and original sanskar is what Baba is calling our stage which is original, that of a deity and also a bestower. Bestowing is your good wishes, pure feelings, love and peace. Just imagine if that’s what we constantly keep doing, how light, happy and full we will be.

Baba wants us to go beyond any bondage, whether it is bondage of action or bondage of sanskar and that is why today’s Avyakt signal is that of an angel, one who has a life of freedom. Life generally is considered to be bondage. Let’s say a soul enters the body, takes a birth and then has bondage of relationships and then after a particular life span, that soul leaves the body. How do I make it so it’s not the bondage, but it’s the relationship? When it's a relationship then there is happiness, there is freedom. When there is bondage, many times Baba said, if your body is not well and you get kind of fed-up, that is a bondage. These days Baba has been saying to try to have a body of light. It’s true when there is this awareness that I have body of light, I am an angel, I am free from all karmic accounts. When there is that awareness, you start feeling the body is light, then that energy of purity of love, peace in the elements and in the body. When it’s totally, completely absolved the soul definitely feels total freedom.

In the lokik world, before coming to Gyan, we used to use the word ‘hypnotize’. In the beginning, when we had started meditation, we asked people to think, ‘I am a soul, I am peaceful’. They always said you are hypnotizing yourself, it’s not real. It’s not that when you are truly in your embodiment, that image, the experience is like you are completely totally absorbed and lost. Whether it’s God’s love, purity or peace, in that stage, you are completely merged in God’s love. That is where true experience is coming. That means you completely forget everything which is physical and there is freedom. Otherwise you are thinking, but as if you are forced to think even when you are talking. Sometimes I hear and I say, it’s the sanskar that makes you keep talking about something or a situation.

How do we become completely free first from the body? Let’s say when there is deep love and peace, you don’t feel body even if there is pain in the body. You are so merged that the experience is of jivanmukti, in the golden age. I think that sometimes one thinks that if I go in total silence and in a very joyful, loveful, light stage I can achieve it, but I still have to be a karma yogi. I will still use my body, but it will be a completely in different awareness. I think towards the end, Baba mentions lot about karmateet and they use the word “vikramajeet, “karmateet”, “prakrutijeet”. Final stage is a conqueror of matter, that means I have created such a beautiful relationship with the body. We know that every thought we have, connects with some of the cells of the body. Somewhere it deeply connects with the matter and then matter responds to that and the more you become soul consciousness. How much do we practice soul consciousness? That means look at everyone in their eternal self and original self. Those are two important practices. Baba said you have to be detached and loveling. You have to come in contact with relationships. You have relationships, not as a bondage, but in soul consciousness and then you internally feel that flow of love and that brings a lot of contentment.

Baba wants us to experience this as our first birth because there is a saying, ‘as is the end so will be beginning’. If I want to begin with jivanmukti, I have to end with jivanmukti. That means that the experience of the golden age in the beginning has to be the experience of now at the end of the confluence age. Let’s say we are settling the karmic accounts with the body or with someone, but while settling you emerge your eternal form. It will be such beautiful feeling. Out of twenty one births, this is our first one, and now should be that stage, not that I keep saying I am settling karmic accounts. Even if there is a settling, extreme settling, internally you will not feel sorrow, you will not feel bad, but you will feel your first birth. I am repeating it because I want to experience that your last connection with matter and with anything physical is of physical relationships. While settling experience the freedom, joy, immortality and being imperishable. All these experiences you have to emerge now. That is why when we live at confluence age, the soul in an angelic stage is very full, very happy. This transition of the end and the beginning will give me the experience of the first birth of the golden age. We have to go deeper, experience, experiment and I am sure we will be able to say yes I am in “jivanmukti”. When I am speaking, I am feeling that it’s true and it could happen. It does happen a few times that I am an angel, free from any bondage of any type. Our practice for the day is to have the birth of freedom, no bondage of life, so let’s practice that.

Om Shanti



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