Liberation_in_Life_26 Mohini_Didi December 26, 2023
Om Shanti Everyone!
I was thinking there is so much love for Baba as Parents, Baba as Teacher, Baba as Satguru. They have so much love for us, and they constantly sustain us with Their Love. Whatever Baba says, whether they are teachings or directions, they all are because of love for us. They are not like orders. Baba loves us and He has come to make us complete. We are the instruments now to create the world, where everyone has a golden heart. So, to create that Golden Aged world, Baba wants us to become perfect, Baba wants us to be complete. Baba has given us this throne. You sit on the throne and keep moving. It happens sometimes, even when I am sitting and I want to move my leg. We keep moving a little bit, but Baba wants us to be stable and still. When there is stability there is stillness. So I as a soul sit on the throne of the center of the forehead. The throne never shakes, but when I am sitting on the throne, I can keep moving a little bit. So just think practically, what will make you stable? Baba says, ‘concentration’. That means just have one thought and stabilize yourself, become still, be consistent in that thought. Even when you sit on Baba’s heart throne, you have to be still. So will you also shake there? No. So very subtly, when there is some energy which keeps changing, your thoughts fluctuating, then you cannot be still. So, how do I practice? Just take one thought. I am Baba’s honest child. I am Baba’s obedient child. I am always available for Baba’s service. It is one thought. Then just remain stable. Baba says that even that stability and stillness is shown with your hands completely still. Then you look at the temples or Avyakti BapDada when He is taking leave. His drishti, His hands of stability. Not only that, but Baba is talking about the eyes and the thoughts of blessings. There is stillness in thoughts, then it will show through our drishti. That means if there are many thoughts coming, your drishti cannot be still or stable. It is a good practice actually. This is our homework tomorrow. I think we will reflect more on it and then practice. By tomorrow we will know what the difference is. So look into all these points.
Om Shanti