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Transcribed Classes

Always Remain Easy #3


Embodiment_of_Solutions_3 Mohini_Didi September 3, 2023

Om Shanti!

How is everyone? Okay, well? Very good, wonderful to see Avyakti Parivar, everyone is happy and is okay. Today Baba was saying that everyone has to remain okay, keep yourself well, keep your stage okay, and nothing is big. Dadi Gulzar always used to say that no circumstances are bigger than you. It comes, it goes, it can disappear, but what is important is to maintain your stage. So, we have to think about what is the cause of a problem or a situation, what's the reason? I remember one time there was one psychologist who came from India and there was a talk in Harmony House. In the middle of the talk, he just called someone and handed a pen into the hand of that person and the pen, he couldn’t hold it. So like it fell, so then after 5-10 minutes he called him again and gave him a pen and didn’t fall. He said that it was because the way I gave the pen was hasty or there was a reason. Maybe my mind was somewhere when I was giving this pen to this person. So it fell. So he was showing how the majority of things are created by our own way of thinking, our state of mind. So everyone works on one's own self. One of the stresses could be of the time. Some always feel they have less time and are not able to be punctual, on time, but you have to organise yourself in such a way that you could make it in time. I remember, let’s say you have an exam, and you have three hours. Some of the students I saw even before entering the examination hall were still turning the pages of the books. There were some who even when the time was up, they were trying to write down things on the paper. I remember I always felt that internally to be very calm and peaceful, and just say, “Okay, whatever I am, I will remember that it's fine.” So there is no tension. So when there is a lot of stress, tension, anxiety, very subtly, there is fear.

So what Baba is saying, which is our homework, is to become the embodiment or an image of solutions. Always remain light. It does happen sometimes when you don't do what you're doing in the right way. So I immediately said, “Okay, I know it was wrong. I know that it is wrong, but it's not a big thing. It can be taken care of.” So when a solution comes in the mind, the mind gets very relaxed, the mind gets okay. If the mind is not easy, you'll find that there is no solution, it's a big thing, now what's going to happen? So, I think internally each one of us has to work on ourselves in such a way that we can remain double light. So Baba is saying to always remain easy, mold yourself according to the time, problems, and people, and always remain easy for your own benefit and benefit of others. That’s why they say, “Don't hurry, don't worry.” Even you have to renounce your own name, your sanskars, your physical comforts to make your stage elevated. We have to remain in self respect. Even if you have to renounce your name in the sense that somebody thinks you are the one who did it. I didn’t do it, but I remain stable. So Baba says to always remain in your stage of being double light and you will easily be able to overcome all problems. Every problem has a solution, but to find that solution, Baba is saying that your stage has to be good. You are easy, then you immediately say, “Oh let's do this.” Then there's a lot of inner confusion, fear, and uncertainty, but just have patience, trust in Drama, keep the company of Baba, and you will find there is a solution, there is an answer. So, tomorrow’s homework, let us be easy, double light and then see how every problem, every situation, it's solved in a proper way. I think we have to believe it and do it and we will find that there are good experiences within one second, because when the mind is easy, you will find everything easy. What is it to be easy? To be light, to be double light. So that's what we will do.

Om Shanti



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