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Transcribed Classes

An image of Tapasya #30


Volcanic_Yoga_30 Mohini_Didi August 30, 2023

Om Shanti!

Happy Raksha bandhan! Greetings of happiness! Baba's love to everyone!

Baba is asking us to remain full and take drishti. Baba’s light, Baba’s might will make you full. Have a sparkling face so that everyone gets happiness and peace. Tomorrow is the last day for this month of August in which Baba wanted us to have volcanic yoga, volcanic remembrance, and a volcanic atmosphere. This will bring transformation not only in the self, but also in the world. It was a very interesting month. We took a point daily and we practised during the day. It definitely adds to the soul's quality. Everyone must have attained something more during this month. Tomorrow we start a new series of daily points. Today our last point is to remember that I am the image of Tapasya. Many souls ask me, “What is the difference between yoga and tapasya?” So yoga is connection with Baba, and from that connection you become very stable, unshakable, and from your image comes a lot of vibrations of love. There will be the power of peace, and any disturbed soul can become peaceful, his problems can find solutions. So we have to be the image of tapasya. Baba is describing the meaning of an image of tapasya. Through tapasya, you experience the rays of power of peace. Baba says that those vibrations spread everywhere. The tapaswi form is to give to others. Great tapaswi souls give the experience of the rays of attainment through their powerful volcanic remembrance. Everyone will feel it, the personality, the images that grant or spread vibrations of love, peace, and power can be a support, create feelings of belonging, whatever souls need. So our homework for tomorrow is to be in the awareness that I have to be an image of tapasya.

Om Shanti



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