Jewel_of_Contentment_1 Mohini_Didi December 1, 2024
Om Shanti!
Baba's blessing to us says that we all are ‘jewels of contentment’. Baba said to make effort for yourself using blessings. Today, I had been thinking that I am making an effort to use blessings. We are still making efforts, but we need to remind ourselves that there are blessings. So, speak based on blessings, do actions based on blessings, use the blessings. We are in the Confluence Age, we have to become perfect, so what has to be done? Since morning I had been saying that I'm making efforts to use blessings or be an embodiment of that blessing which Baba has given us. Efforts still continue, but the quality will change, and I think that we all have to pay more attention to the self and keep a chart. Yes we have contentment, but we know that we have to do our homework, some of the transformation is very subtle. Like having 100% pure attitude, there are many aspects which we still have to work on and make efforts for. As good as quality efforts are, there will be contentment. So we will pay more attention from tomorrow and be the jewel of contentment, let that sparkle spread all over and let others also see that light. Service and relationships, everything will definitely be improved and will be better. At the present time, there is a lot of tension and distress, and because of this, discontentment is increasing. At such a time, all of you jewels of contentment with the light of your contentment also need to make others content. First of all remain content with yourself, then remain content with service, then with your relationships, for only then will you be called a jewel of contentment.
I think trust is very important, and that is why we trust in God. The more we trust, the more we have courage and true feelings of love. Brahma Baba also had love and care. Love is there, but care for everyone's feelings, for everyone's self-respect. So I think contentment, Baba has given us this title, so we have to accept that title. Baba is giving us this blessing that we are jewels of contentment. Since this topic has started, my thinking has become completely different. Before I always used to say, “Oh, I am always content”, but then I realize that content doesn't mean okay. No, we have to do more for service or improving our relationships. For the self, a lot more has to be done and it's not laboring, we shouldn't get panicky about anything, but keep attention, and use more or more of Baba's blessings. In today's Murli, Baba said, “What is our self respect?" So remain in self-respect, even if we know we have to be very lovely, but also detached. If I live with them or not, just my stage should be detached from body consciousness. When Baba made the will, he did not put the names of any lokik relationships in the will. Only those who came to Baba, those who were moving forward, those who were good in making efforts. Dadi had a lot of love for Baba because of their part. Many left, but they still had a lot of love for Baba because they didn't have problems with Baba or their faith. It was because of the community. It is not easy for everyone, because when you are living in a big family then we have to learn many things, and when we learn it then it becomes easy, otherwise, you cannot stay with many people. I remember that when I came to stay at the center, there were always 12 to 15 of us, then gradually people went to different places for service. I like big families, I like many souls being together. So we are living together, being together in good relationships. In the Golden Age, what is very good is relationships. This is the biggest subject, and that all depends on my contentment. So we will continue, have more churning, look at ourselves and see how we can for this month we can spread the light of contentment.
Om Shanti