Jewel_of_Contentment_12 Mohini_Didi December 12, 2024
Bhog Message
Om Shanti! Taking everyone's love remembrances, I went to offer bhog to Baba, and Baba with very lovely drishti, was celebrating the meeting with each child and also with the gathering. For quite a while, Baba was sharing drishti, and children were also opening their hearts to Baba. Baba also was fulfilling everyone’s needs. Some want help, some want power, any pure thoughts were there. Baba immediately showed that each one of us, it's like a big garden and Baba is looking at each one, and each one is a different flower. Baba said that the Gardner knows what a flower needs, like it needs more light, more water, or it needs some air. So the Gardener knows the needs of the flower. Baba says that here you're not only flowers, you're also gardeners. So you not only know your needs, but you also fulfill the needs of others. Baba says that more internally, in a very subtle way, you keep taking from Baba, and as much you receive and take, that much you are able to give. These days, it's not just through knowledge or through the words people receive, but it is our very deep stage, our attitude, our everything. So you have to keep yourself full. That is very important. If you are full, you will be able to bestow to others. Baba says that everyone of you feel that yes, I have a lot to give. Baba has given us so much, so I have a lot to give. Baba again said to remain full, a blossomed flower, and of course then you offer it to Baba. So Baba again gave drishti, lots of love and power, His helping hand in many different ways, Baba was giving, and then I brought everyone's for Baba’s love. Om Shanti!
Happy Satguruvar to Everyone!
Baba as parents give love, teachers give us knowledge, and Satguru Baba gives us blessings. So on this day, whatever thought we keep Baba gives that blessing to us. One is to have desires, and the other is what we call needs. So what we do is when Baba comes, He fulfills all our desires, and we have trust that He also fulfills all our needs. In whatever way we need, Baba fulfills that need. The way Baba works is so subtle, but then we could experience that also in a gross way, in a physical way. You just need to have a determined thought, pure thought, loveful thought. Whenever there is a thought, Dadi Janki used to tell us, just offer that to Baba. Once you offer to Baba, then whatever happens is accurate. If there is a little bit of ‘I and mine’, it causes a lot of sorrow. It's Baba, it’s Baba’s task, Drama, and I'm just an instrument. So, today I was feeling that if we have to check whether I am carefree, I can check by believing that everything is accurate in Drama. If not, what should I check? My faith, because if there is 100% faith, then there won't be wasteful thoughts. Not only that, but then you will be carefree. So not check the stage, but check the foundation, and foundation is faith. As much we keep building more and more floors, you have to keep checking the foundation too. So as we move forward, just look at the foundation, where I lack, faith is lacking. Is it in the self? Is it in Drama? Is it in others? Where is faith lacking? Faith in Drama? So faith is the foundation of everything. Now, Baba is saying that He wants to see the sparkle of joy and happiness in the mind, and also on the face. Baba wants to see everyone as a sparkling star, which we all are.So Baba is saying. “The sparkling stars of happiness.” Those who are jewels of contentment are always content in their mind. So disturbance begins in the mind and then in the heart. Then feelings erase, right? Many different kinds of feelings from the past come here and there. Then I am kind of irritated with everyone. There are many children who used to say Baba has His favorites. Baba listens to some. Baba is not fair, even for Baba they used to say this. So, waves of happiness would always be visible through their minds, through their body. If adverse situations come, most of the situations are favorable. Very few are adverse situations. So Baba says if the suffering of karma through the body comes in front of them, such a soul is free from limited desires. I remember once there was a class on desires, and even desire for service is a desire. Let Baba make me an instrument, why do I want to do it? Like if Baba brings that seva, I'll do it, right? So Baba says that their contentment would always be visible, and is a sparkling star of happiness. So, today we take blessings from Baba that I am and I will remain a sparkling star of happiness. So cheerfulness is very important. Even if you're not happy, try. Baba is looking at you. I always say, let Baba be pleased, and the Master is pleased if my face is sparkling. So we should always remain constantly happy.
Om Shanti