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Be a jewel of contentment #15


Jewel_of_Contentment_15                 Mohini_Didi               December 15, 2024

Om Shanti!

Jewels of contentment, right? Contentment is what bestows the sustenance and life through the Brahmin. If that happens to me, I also see that helps, and you can donate to others also that life of contentment. So it is very important to have contentment in life. I always feel I am born with contentment. I want to live with contentment. Contentment is where your treasure stores not only remain full, but become more and more full. We don’t realize that when we are discontent, the thoughts we waste, the time we waste, the breath we waste, all that wastage that happens, not only wastage happens but a kind of loss, I’m losing something where I could be content and feel full, gain something. Sometimes some Baba’s children are not able to discern, is it necessary to be content? Now improvement, progress is normal, it should be whether you call it ambition or desire, it should be okay, it’s alright to have that, but not with discontent. That is where the energy is such that what you want to get done, it doesn’t happen, because you added a little bit of your discontent into whatever others have done or had been happening until now, but if we take it like whatever happened until now is very good, show your contentment because still somebody did it, it still it happened. So, the expression of contentment and improvement, it is about what we can do better, not what has happened is not right. Can we do something better? Whatever has been done at least has served, has done something. So it's a very subtle thing, how can I have both qualities? Appreciation, and then further growth, making things better because then respect for each other remains, harmony remains. There is more love, loveful feelings and these are very important for further progress or improvement in anything. Otherwise a little bit of resentment comes, could be stubbornness, but if you appreciate, it's so good and that we can make it better. So it's being content and also thinking about something better and progressing. 

The donation of life in Brahmin life is contentment. Inculcate the virtue of contentment, remain free from the spinning of the limited ‘mine and yours’, ‘you and me’. Contentment always makes you free from sinful thoughts and gives you a right to the seat of being victorious and stable, bahut achha, very good. So Baba is saying that jewels of contentment are always seated on BapDada’s heart throne, have the tilak of easy remembrance, and are wearing the crown of the service of world transformation. So Baba says that they remain stable in their complete form. Baba is saying that means if there is lack of contentment, your image cannot never be complete, and even if it is complete, it won't be stable. So how we see the quality, the virtue of contentment is very important for us becoming 100% complete and to be stable in that stage of completion. So the more we listen, the more we see how important it is in life to have contentment in thoughts, through thoughts, in words, in actions, in relationships, and in service. So if Baba asked at this time, “Are you all content?” So what will we say? Yes, Baba! Then Baba will say 100% complete? Yes, Baba! This is what we say that Baba's blessings definitely help us, our own efforts, everyone's blessing. Making my own self strong so that I can be stable in our stage of completion through contentment. 

Om Shanti 



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