Jewel_of_Contentment_16 Mohini_Didi December 16, 2024
Om Shanti!
All are jewels of contentment. Baba wants to see that we claim Baba’s inheritance, because we are Baba’s children. Really when we think about inheritance, Baba is saying that more internal inheritance should be claimed by us. That inheritance Baba is saying is everlasting happiness, peaceful mind, and I think when you claim inheritance, it does not require any effort. In lokik also, those who get inheritance have a lot of wealth and they don't have to work. They live on inheritance. So we have to internally check ourselves, and all that connection is with purity. We also need a clean attitude. It is like all the garbage of vices is gone, but the dust remains. That is why dusting has to be done every day so that it's completely clean. Baba also said yesterday that purity is not just conquering the first vice or living a celibate life, but if there is anger there is attachment or greed or ego, we have to be victorious over all these vices. So that purity will bring constant inner contentment. Baba is saying that natural inheritance or internal inheritance of Brahmin life is to be a constant embodiment of happiness and an embodiment of peace, that brings contentment of the mind. They always say, “Are you content, are you happy?” When you are content, you also will be very happy. Baba says that in order to experience this, there has to be purity of the mind. Awareness, consciousness, attitude, feelings, all these are the functions of the mind. Even the feelings have to always be very good, because whatever is from Baba also is in feelings. If I am sensitive and I keep feeling this and feeling that, then you won't feel what Baba is giving us. Baba says that there has to be purity in the mind. To keep yourself happy and content with external facilities or through service is self deception. Our mind is quite engaged in external facilities and also in service. Service is important but we should not depend only on service. Like, I am busy so I am ok. I know Dadi Prakashmani used to say that it’s fortune to be busy, which is good, but also internally, keep our mind and intellect free to be with Baba and churning knowledge. So it's very important to be busy and still not busy. Baba says that there should be no worry and no sorrow, so that internal happiness can be experienced. I'm very happy. I'm very peaceful. I'm very content. This internal attainment is what Baba says is our inheritance, and that all has connection with the purity of mind. The mind is pure. So instead of thinking, “How can I be happy?”, we have to look at what kind of subtle impurities are there that don't allow me to be happy and peaceful. Then you keep removing them, cleaning them, transforming them, so that you can claim from Baba your inheritance, and it should become very natural.
Om Shanti