Jewel_of_Contentment_17 Mohini_Didi December 17, 2024
Om Shanti!
Listening to Br.Jagdish, we heard the importance of God’s love and understanding of what altruistic true love is? Before love was false, and then merciful in that love. We could get lost also, and get completely involved in Maya. When we have an experience of true love, then just maintain that love, because love also has a lot to do with contentment. Then I say that everyone really loves me. Just keep giving contentment, even knowing that some people don’t love me. There could be a little disturbance in the mind, but then what is important is to maintain contentment. Baba is saying that no matter how much someone tries to make your contentment fluctuate, when someone comes to me and says that so and so said this for you, I never take it. I say, “It’s alright, I am not thinking that way, and I am not going to be affected. So there will be so many little things to shake our contentment, to reduce our love with Baba and with each other. So all the time, even within the family, we have to remain firm with my love and my stage. The dignity of the Confluence Age is contentment. A lot of stumbling of the mind and intellect happens when there is lack of contentment. The mind wanders and has a lot of wasteful thoughts. I try my best, but I can’t make the soul content. I should maintain contentment, and the other soul will also become content. It is a good effort to always remain content. Let your face always be smiling. Any situation that might seem to make you fluctuate should be experienced as if you are watching a puppet show. So try tomorrow. This is also a show of Maya and the elements. Watch it whilst being in the stage of a detached observer. You can’t close your eyes, so watch it while being in the stage of a detached observer and as an embodiment of contentment, whilst in your dignity as a jewel of contentment. Baba says while maintaining your dignity as a jewel of contentment is the elevated dignity of the Confluence Age. Dignity is a very deep internal stage, because Baba said yesterday that it is purity, royalty, and the personality of purity, not as a struggle. It is dignity, so it is royalty. Purity is always incognito, like love is incognito, or contentement. These are not the qualities that are visible. Baba says that smiling, being cheerful, with the behavior of love, love for everyone. That is also Baba’s love. Whatever I have experienced as God’s love, from that same attitude, drishti, we should share God’s love with everyone. So maintain contentement and be unshakable in that. Unshakable could be faith, it could be love, but this is about contentment. Whatever temptations come, whatever distractions come, no distraction, no temptations, be constantly stable and content. They say, “Baba, I received you, met you, so I became the master of both worlds, lokik and spiritual.” So always remind yourself of the dignity of contentment of the Confluence Age.
Om Shanti