Jewel_of_Contentment_18 Mohini_Didi December 18, 2024
Om Shanti!
Since morning, there are many scenes of Drama, many puppet shows and of course there might be different experiences the whole day. The majority are pleasant, some could be adverse, but at this time what I have to say is “I am content” ‘Aaj bahut achha din raha’. It was a very good day. If these words come out naturally from your mouth, still you have to say it and say, ‘Aaj to din bahut achha raha’. Today was a very good day because of contentment. That means I can adjust, tolerate, whatever power is needed. I was able to use that power, and because I was able to use it, everything was okay. Also according to the Drama, whatever happened was okay and is okay. So every night, before finishing the day, I just have to say yes I am satisfied, I am content. It had to happen, it happened and now how I have to say that it was good. Not only Drama, but good Drama, not only Drama, but it was really wonderful Drama. If my attitude is like that, not only will I appreciate, but my nature will remain very pleasant and very happy. Then it is the lightness in the atmosphere because I am happy, content, and it will help others also. So I will create a very beautiful light atmosphere where everyone can be happy, whatever they are doing, they are doing it with great happiness. So Baba is saying that we should get a certificate of contentment. Every child has to claim three certificates in this final study. The first: to be content with the self. Some think it is difficult to satisfy others, but if you really think properly, the most difficult is to satisfy your own self. Of course the thought is that it could have been better, I can improve, I could have done it in a different way.
One lesson that I learned from Brahma Baba; Baba used to come out from History Hall after speaking Murli, whatever Baba said last kalpa exactly Baba said today. Generally after we talk, we think, “Oh I missed this point. I could have said this. Oh, I wanted to give this example, I forgot.” I remember that we would prepare a lecture for half an hour, 45 minutes and after the lecture we would check “What did we miss? What we didn't say accurately?” However, Baba would say, “Whatever I spoke, I spoke last kalpa.” So it's over now. Sometimes we do something and then we don't let it go, we keep thinking. It shouldn't have happened like this, I didn't want to say that. Many times some people say that you shouldn't have said it, but I said that I already said, it's all right, let's see whatever are the consequences. Then we will use power because the intention is good, bhavna is okay. So I'm satisfied with that. Words can vary from time to time, so be content with the self, and claim the certificate of contentment from BapDada that we know is through Baba’s drishti. You feel that Baba is happy with you. A certificate of contentment from those who came into connection and relationship with you. They say that virtue is contagious. As I said, it's really like a fragrance, you can only smell it, you can’t see it. So it is the same with contentment.
So Baba is saying, however many are content in Brahmin life, that many devotees will worship you with contentment. They will not do it just for the sake of doing it, but from their hearts. That is why whatever we do, do it with a full heart, anything, small thing, big thing, cooking, serving, cleaning, whatever one has to do, people call it dedication and commitment, but Baba is saying to just do it with a full heart. They always say anytime you feed people, they always say ‘dil se banaya hai’, you cook from your love and love is from the heart. Some know you have to cook, but you just have to do it, it's your duty. Today I will do my duty with love. So add the word love, do everything with the love that will bring a lot of contentment from every action which we do and basically is shared with everyone. Even a very simple act, do it with love, not as only duty, but do it with love, and see how many will come and comment about that, because it touches the hearts of others. If you do it from the heart, it will touch the heart of others. So give yourself every night the certificate of contentment, that means you did everything from the heart.
Om Shanti