Jewel_of_Contentment_22 Mohini_Didi December 22, 2024
Om Shanti!
Is everyone okay? Is the mind powerful and the body healthy? Everything around gets accomplished, so there is contentment. I think we all have to keep that contentment and it should always be there. I notice that there are two types of contentment, one is what we attain from success, but the other contentment is by nature. Some people, even some children you give the same food to eat and they appreciate it, they like it. Some children, they don't like this or that.they are always sulking for something or other, so that becomes a sanskar, a habit, and their nature. I find that deep within, since childhood, because of our belief in God, I found that if I am content and always looking at Baba, I don't ask for anything. He knows what I need. Once we asked Brahma Baba if it happens that some people sometimes will try to assassinate us for any reason. Whether for our concepts or it could be our lifestyle. Baba said, “No, it will never happen because Baba protects you.” Baba has put you to do some tasks. It’s Baba’s message that we are giving, it's not our message. So Baba has taken this responsibility to keep each child very safe, and of course, we have to be sensible. You can't stand in fire and say Baba didn't protect me. You have to be careful, you have to be sensible. Also whenever it comes to service, Baba becomes responsible. Baba says, “I will protect.” That is why Brahma Baba, even when he woke up at midnight, he would sit up and ask himself why he woke up. Maybe some children somewhere needed some power, some protection. Shiv Baba will sit and give saakash. You'll just sit as a lighthouse and the light and might of Baba is rotating to anyone who needs help. Whether you are mentally low in energy, sometimes physically not too well, Baba’s protection is always there. We have our Almighty Baba with us.
We are Baba's missionaries, messengers. We can say that what we're doing is sharing a message. So if you make the list of attainments, it is unbelievable what Baba does for us. how He takes care of us, and guides us at every step. If you go and ask a consultant or lawyer any question, they say, “I'm not going to answer your questions, first, you give the initial fee.” A lawyer won't talk unless you give a fee. Here Baba gives Shrimat for everything. He is the Highest on High Father. So many attainments come to mind. So Baba says to always keep attainments in front of you. The easiest method to remain content is always keep some special attainments in front of you. Look at the attainments that you have received from the Father and how much you've received from Him. How many treasures of knowledge have you attained, how many powers, how many virtues have you attained through yoga? How many practical attainments do you have staying in intoxication and happiness? I could be so peaceful, I could remain so happy. Even the power of action, you know, how much we are able to do, it’s Baba's power. It could be knowledge, power of yoga, power of dharna, but it’s from Baba. Baba has adopted us and we're His children, we're adopted children. Brahma kumars and brahma kumaris of Shiv Baba through Brahma Baba. We are mouth progeny. So our inheritance also is big, and when you have inheritance, you don't have to labor.
Lot of people work extra hours to save something. Here we have our key to all the treasures of Baba. Our right is to His inheritance. So it's a very special attainment, really the highest kind of attainment. We forget the one saying to keep in front of you, so remind yourself. Remind myself how much I got. Invoke the cooperation you need, invoke the help you need, do not get disappointed, disheartened, but invoke. Have elevated thoughts and this is the method of accomplishment and attainments also. Don't forget any thought you have for Baba's service or Baba's places. Baba is listening and Baba provides. That is my experience. So have contentment, and anyone who comes and starts to complain, because that's their nature, try not to join in their complaints. Rather than agreeing with them, encourage them to look at other aspects, look at this point, help them to create contentment there. That's what Baba said, “You remain content and make others content.” We are content and make everyone content. This is a very, important quality. Good blessing for us and for Baba’s tasks.
Om Shanti