Jewel_of_Contentement_24 Mohini_Didi December 24, 2024
Om Shanti!
Is everyone okay? Yes,very good! No discontentment! Actually, today’s topic is about contentment in relationships. For me, I find that everyone has different sanskars and different ways to communicate. I always felt that I have to have love for that soul, because that soul is Baba’s child, Baba’s instrument, and of course we are one family. I am seeing whatever is, should be better, or things can be done in a different way. I just keep giving love. I find that love, respect, and regard are very important. If there is love and respect, then there will definitely be contentment in a relationship. If I say, “No,I can’t love this soul because of this”, then I feel I am cutting off communication. For example, before I would not respond to some because I felt some email doesn’t require an answer, or this doesn’t require any immediate answer. Later, I was told to acknowledge it and reply that I got your email and thanks. So it's a two-way communication. Some do not know these things. Maybe gradually talking about these things can help the soul to learn. There should not be feelings of discontent because of that. I know that when we are in a task together, the success of a task is communication.
Baba said in the morning Murli that some children don’t write to Baba for many days. Baba is thinking about them but they are not thinking of Him. They say,”Baba,we were busy”. Then after one day, we say, “I forgot.” So it’s not ‘sometimes’, it’s intentional. It’s a habit. We were taught when I came in gyan, that every Tuesday and Friday we have to write a letter to Baba, first giving the news of myself, that I am okay, and everything is okay. These days, if you have to do something, do it immediately. Don’t just say, “Okay, I will do it”, and then forget. If you have to write it down, do so, you have to do it. There is so much, everything is going so fast. I think it’s just a kind of learning. We discuss something and everyone understands clearly, then you finalize and change it if necessary. Many things are happening. So there is a tendency to forget. Don’t doubt the intentions of that person. Maybe that person doesn’t know, doesn’t have that skill. There is nothing to be discontent about. Always be very loving, very respectful. Baba is saying that there should be contentment in relationships and connections. Even in the lokik world, if someone has come to give a talk, or someone has written something, we need to reply. It is very important that we reply. If you send a response after 10 days it doesn’t have much value. So again, we have to try to see that our contacts also remain satisfied. One thing in India they say is that the Brahma Kumaris never forget to meet you. Once there was a Prime Minister who lost the election. So he was in the opposition party, but BKs went to tie rakhi.They said that BKs only tie Rakhi on those who are in positions, but they also tie rakhi to those who are not in positions. So contact is something where we should constantly keep in touch.
Baba is saying that the Confluence Age is the age of contentment. Therefore remain content and make everyone content. If you cannot do it through words or by meeting, then give good wishes for everyone. At least keep good wishes. Let there not be any conflict amongst yourselves. When you are driving on the road and somebody comes very near and could hit you, what do you do? You save yourself. So neither you hit or allow anyone to hit you. Baba says, “Let there be no conflict amongst yourselves because the garland is created through relationships. Closeness is important”. It’s not intimacy, but it’s like samipta (closeness), because then you feel like if one bead is not in connection with the next one, then the garland cannot be made. So, it has to be flower to flower, bead to bead. Baba said that you all are beads of the garland. So you all must remain content in your relationships, your connections, and make others content. Baba says that you are all part of a family. It is very beautiful. Baba is our One strength and support, but good relationships also give support and cooperation. It is the same with our divine, Godly family of the Confluence Age. So, we have to stay very close, but very detached.
Om Shanti