Jewel_of_Contentment_26 Mohini _Didi December 26, 2024
Bhog message
Om Shanti!
Taking everyone's love and remembrances, I went to offer bhog to Baba. Baba, with a lot of love, accepted bhog and started sharing drishti with all of you. Everyone was taking drishti from Baba. After a few moments, Baba said, “Every child has a lot of pure thoughts to progress, to move forward, and to do more.” These thoughts reach Baba, and Baba said that the aim is to bring newness in yourself, then newness will also come in the service. Whatever you bring in yourself, that's what you can bring in service. Whatever your thought is about service, you have to begin with yourself. Today, Baba was saying that every month, you all should sit and share, what newness I am bringing in myself, where I will progress, and correct myself. So based on that, whatever you will be planning will work out much better. After that, Baba said that everyone is thinking that the new year is starting, so what do I have to do? It shouldn't be just a celebration for a day or two, but the enthusiasm should stay the whole year. Baba said that that is only possible if you have determination. Your every virtue reaches the highest, but also fluctuates. You have determination and then you'll lose it. The aim should be that it should increase, not get less. It reduces when children are influenced or affected by the situations, so your stage cannot be consistent. The aim should be to be consistent and not be affected by temporary scenes of Drama. At the time of the test, if you fail, you won't get a promotion. Wherever you are, today Baba was saying to keep courage, don't fluctuate, be consistent. That should be your thought for the new year, to know that external situations are temporary. They come and go. Don't let them cause any damage. Keep your stage very safe, steady, and firm. Baba said that that will bring victory to you and also success in whatever you do. Then Baba gave lots of love, good blessings for each one of you. Om Shanti.
Om Shanti!
This whole month we have been listening about contentment in different ways, different dharnas, and different qualities. It is not only contentment, but also many aspects of knowledge. Yet the big question remains in everyone's mind, “Is it possible to make everyone content?” I always look at Brahma Baba. Souls always felt they couldn't get that much love and attention anywhere else. It never happened that everyone was happy, but Baba was happy with them. Whatever discontent others have, I am content. Not just on my own, but for them also. Whatever I take, however much I take from Baba, must be changed into power, beauty, or fragrance. The capacity to take and receive is numberwise. They say that the gardener has to have love for thorns also, not only flowers. We look at Baba, Baba’s drishti, and Baba’s Knowledge. Baba says that I don't teach Brahma Baba separately. When I speak to you, he is listening. He followed knowledge and Shrimat. There were a few hundred students in the yagya in the beginning. Among them, Mama stood out, and was able to imbibe and understand knowledge properly. She became sensible and mature. When she was 23 years old, Baba called her ‘Goddess Saraswati’, because of the way she took knowledge from the Ocean. Baba is the Ocean, and to take from the Ocean is not easy. When Mama explained those points, we understood very well. So we have to think about how to take what I take. The more you receive, there will be contentment. Contentment is what I am becoming. I am taking my fragrance, my form, and my color. You know, it is up to me. What Baba expects from us is to take as much as you can, so that there is capacity to give. As much as I have dharna, automatically others will receive it. Bestower children of the Bestower Father become angels. The clear, simple definition of an angel is to remain content. Brahmin so angel, Brahmin receives, an angel gives, and makes others content. Baba says that no matter what happens, even if someone insults you, someone tries to make you fluctuate, remain content in everything. You are bestowers, children of the Bestower, so you cannot be discontented. We have to keep that determination. Dadi Prakashmani used to tell us that Brahma Baba used to give many tests. Baba would ignore her, not give her toli and not give her drishti. She knew that he was testing her. The more you are in front, Maya will test you, but Baba also tests you. She knew that he was trying to see if she would feel bad, feel neglected, or feel ignored. All these are our feelings, Baba can't do that. Baba tests us to see how much faith I have in Baba. If I have faith then I will smile. Your own self respect, your own stage is what your number is. Baba will also test you so that you are worthy to claim that number. So never be scared of the test. Always be very strong, firm, unshakable, and an angel.
Om Shanti