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Transcribed Classes

Be a jewel of contentment #29


Jewel_of_Contentment_29                  Mohini_Didi              December 29, 2024

Om Shanti!

We’ll look at our own self as a jewel of contentment. Many will look at you and experience the light of contentment, and lightness in many different ways. As much as we are becoming flawless, the light is brighter, and that light also is visible through your twinkling eyes, and your bright face. It is not that anyone can change it physically, it doesn't become white from brown and brown from white. It is just an internal stage. It’s your happiness. There is more and more sparkle because of your flawless stage. So, as much as there is sparkle, many others get very happy and their hearts are pleased. Some show heaviness on their face. They feel they are introverted and thinking deeply, but actually, somewhere deeply, some kind of heaviness is there. Let there be light and contentment. This is what we can give to other souls without saying anything, and they will keep looking. They want to take drishti, and want to receive the light. Baba is saying that the jewel of contentment means to be a flawless diamond. Tapasya means the personality of contentment is visible in your eyes. We go into Baba's room, we talk to Baba, we take drishti from Baba. When we come out of Baba’s room, that lightness and that sparkle is visible, and that is why it’s so important to go and take drishti from Baba, and talk to Baba. 

I do hear stories of some people going through a lot of difficulties and of their karmic accounts. I immediately say that it’s through Baba’s remembrance that those obstacles can be removed. After that, don’t go on remembering the story, or repeating the mistake. Flaws sometimes come in many different ways, and show up as obstacles, whether in efforts or sometimes in service. Sometimes obstacles don't allow you to feel settled, but with tapasya, just send the rays and then see the results. Check to see if that obstacle is removed. Tapasya means the personality of contentment is visible in your eyes, in your features, on your face, and in your behavior. To be a jewel of contentment means to be a flawless diamond. A contented soul will always experience the self to be happy and content, and others will also be happy. I am happy, others are not happy, and you keep looking at them. It is very interesting to check the self. Baba said that those who are able to check with Me, are also able to check and change. If I check and there is a flaw, there is nothing to worry about. Whatever the method, check and change, remove that flaw and become flawless. If I don’t check, or if I keep checking and not changing, then the list becomes very long, and that means more effort. So, immediately you check it. Somebody can help you to check it, and then you can change it. When you have a personality that is very focused, has concentration on a few things, not on too many things, then whatever is done, there is a quality in that action. Then you are content with what you did, and others are also content with what you did, because it is seen in the actions also. We have to look at contentment.

Om Shanti



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