Jewel_of_Contentment_5 Mohini_Didi December 5, 2024
Om Shanti!
Baba gives us a beautiful gift of relationship. He said that all the attainments really come through relationships. Relationship with Baba as Parents, as Teacher, as Satguru Baba our guide, and all other relationships. It is the same in the lokik world also, love amongst each other, friendship, cooperation, helping, all that is through relationships. Baba has taught us to have soul conscious spiritual relationships with everyone. So, attainments also, one of the most important in the list is relationship, whatever Baba said, we all will reflect on that, and then also transformation. It’s true because everything, whether it is seasons, whether it is time, whatever it is, it changes. It’s winter, gradually it goes away, then summer comes then spring, everything changes. Sometimes our thoughts, our attitude, our opinions, somehow or the other, we hold on to the same. I remember one time with Dadi Janki, we were saying that this person is like this, and she said, “But people change. It’s not the same.” We hold on to the idea that so and so is like that. She said, “No, that’s not a blessing. Everyone changes with time.” Then she kept saying to change your outlook, change your drishti towards that person, and you will see the change. So, the whole concept of transformation is that I remember what somebody was yesterday, and today will be different. So, each one is not only looking at someone else, but even for the self. Why am I thinking the same way, whether it is for myself or others? Even for yourself sometimes, you may think, “I can’t manage this.” Maybe if you try, you will manage it. So, that’s the life of ascending, transformation all the time. So, today’s homework for us is to be content and to make others content. You have to be full of all attainments. The more you experience yourself to be full of all attainments, the more content you will remain. If there is the slightest feeling of anything lacking, as soon as attention will go, this is missing, this is lacking, I need this and that, then that lacking will make you discontent. So, if I am full, I am content or if I am content, also I will become full, if we see that way. If I am content, everything will become full, increase. If you are content, you will also progress all the time. Although this is not your kingdom, and you therefore have to make a little effort, problems here have become like a game, they come and then they disappear. When you have courage, you receive cooperation at the right time. If not human beings, then angels, if not angels, then nature. Baba gives cooperation. Therefore, with your contentment, give all souls cooperation of contentment through your elevated state. Someone says that I’m not happy with you, but I am happy with you, I am okay with you. If I say ‘no’, I’m also not, then we will have an argument. Then we will have kind of wasteful and negative thoughts and conversation too. So, how to change it, make it better? Contentment might be the right thing. I am content, I am okay. So, let other people also think that I am okay. If someone says, “I’m not okay”, then what? Somewhere that deep transformation can help us, full of attainments, contentment. Even if you are doing it intellectually, maybe not from your heart, but do it. This month we have to see a lot of magic in what Baba is saying, the magic of being content. Time is such that we should see Baba’s magic and miracles. That will keep us happy, and also we can start our new year being complete and full.
Om Shanti