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Be a jewel of contentment #6


Jewel_of_Contentment_6                      Mohini_Didi                   December 6, 2024

Om Shanti Everyone!

Are you all content? Do you think all others are content with you? Are you content with me? Yes, is there anyone who is not content? Show hands so that I can talk to you and find out why you are not content with me. That’s the method Dadi Gulzar taught me one time. She called me and she said, “Do you think everyone in the USA is content with you?” I said that maybe 2 or 3 souls were not. She said, “Have you ever tried to talk to them to find out?” I said ‘no’ and Dadi knew why the sister was not content. Dadi told me that she said if you would’ve asked her, it would’ve cleared and your relationship would’ve been better. So I didn’t say anything. I learned the lesson. Sometimes we try to avoid it because we don’t want to have an argument or we don’t want to go into a lot of discussion. So we can just keep it under the carpet and let it continue this way, but the vibrations become heavy between the two souls, and when vibrations are heavy, then it affects others also. We have to be very careful that whatever is our state of mind, those vibrations become part of the sustenance for the family. So, if I want others to remain content, I have to be content. Just be an instrument, because anything we are taking as a practice for the day I am finding that it is very necessary and very important. The first thing is that I'm an instrument. That will be the answer, but it’s not one hundred percent. So I think we should take every day’s homework. I want to experiment with this. I want to see what the attainments are. I feel that this becomes a good chance for us to make our stage not only stable, but qualified. This means every specialty should be there. It’s like there is more and more fragrance in the beauty of the flower. We all are at the service of God. I see so many sacrifices and everyone has a lot of love for Baba, love for Baba’s spaces, love for Baba’s task, but Baba wants that internally when our stage is better or we are qualified, that will be the result of our sacrifice. Nothing goes to waste when we are doing Baba’s task, but if we can get more than what we do, 10 times more maybe it will be good. 

Baba says that the One who is making everyone act is making everything happen through you. Baba also speaks through my mind. I have to listen to Baba through my own thoughts. So, you are just an instrument carrying out the task to maintain this awareness is the speciality of a server. By doing this, you will always remain content in serving, in your own efforts, and those for whom you become an instrument will also have contentment. To always remain content and keep others content is the speciality of a true server. Brahma Baba always used to give us a certificate. If you do a program, is everyone content from beginning until the end? Sometimes one or two souls, their needs do not get to fulfilled. So they would go to Baba and say, “Baba, I am not happy.” Baba would ask why, and that soul would explain. So I think that this is necessary for us, a lot of learning happens. Let’s say there is a program, and there are ushers and different people on duty. I was a very young Brahmin and I knew that there was a big program in Delhi. So the first three rows were reserved. One Baba’s children couple came and sat in front. I saw them and I told them, “You’re not supposed to sit here.”  They got very offended and then I realized what I did. It was not my duty, there are ushers. They know what to do, so let them do it. Then I realized how much I, as the main instrument, have to be careful not to make someone take sorrow or make them discontent. Maybe there was a reason they wanted to sit there. Then I realized that I am spoiling my relationship with those who have a duty. I should let them do it. One learns that as an instrument do what you are an instrument for. I think I can do anything or say anything, but I learned with the time to do what you’re supposed to be doing. Also as I mentioned, the instrument has to have a lot of silence. The more silence we have and power to listen, then I keep upgrading. I am learning when I am in Shantivan to be very careful. It's a big family. What is your duty? Whatever you have to do, you do it and it works out very well, because then everyone loves and respects you. I learn all this by watching and seeing, and the aim is to keep everyone content. This awareness of being an instrument and true server means a lot. Okay.

Om Shanti



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