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Be a jewel of contentment #7


Jewel_of_Contentment_7           Mohini_Didi                 December 7, 2024

Om Shanti! 

Everyone is happy, yes. There are many attainments in Brahmin life; love, peace, happiness, knowledge, many attainments. We become sensible. Baba keeps saying that sensible is that you are able to discern immediately. Will this bring happiness or will this bring sorrow? We are sensible, which means our power to discern is good. It's not that I will do it, then, I didn't realize that there would be so much sorrow or there would be deception. Sorrow is caused by many things, and Baba says, “Don’t give sorrow, don't take sorrow.” Now another experience is joy and happiness. In Hindi, we use a lot of words such as ‘sukh’. One is happiness, ‘khushi’. We got something, we attained something, we are in good company, we are together, so we are joyful. That's also one kind of happiness, but I think as soon as we're adopted by Baba, we get knowledge that I am a soul and this is my body. So this is like my lamp that has been ignited. Now, when there is darkness, and the lamp is ignited, how will you feel? Joyful, in the sense it's a kind of feeling, darkness, whether it is of ignorance or physical. The light of knowledge or even other light, what does it bring? Light. It's very subtle, right? Sometimes you can't say when the light is on that I'm very happy now, because there's no happiness, it's like light is on, but how does the light help you? You can see clearly. You can do everything. You can find your path. What are the benefits of the light? That is called sukh. Just turning on the light is not considered to be it, but how do I feel? There is a kind of deeper relief. Also, in the darkness you can get confused, you don't know where to go, but with light, everything becomes very clear. So when Brahmins get knowledge and the power to discern, different experiences begin. In soul consciousness, what is called super sensual joy? The first time I, as a soul, am meeting with God, the Supreme soul, and what was the experience? I won’t say that I'm happy, but it's such a deep feeling of meeting with Baba even now. Somewhere deep, there is very deep fulfillment. I am a soul meeting God, the Supreme Soul. 

So, I am not able to find a word for sukh, so from your own experience you can come up with whatever word you want to use. Baba wants that at the Confluence Age in Brahmin life shouldn't be wasted feeling sorrow, feeling sad, not feeling good, and don't allow your feelings to be quickly affected. Ok, it's a situation outside, but still I'm Baba’s child, I have such a valuable life, Brahmin life, every breath, my every moment is of value as a Brahmin. So appreciation of your own life, adopted by God, as a Brahmin, I'm adopted, I'm a mouth-born progeny of Brahma. Shiv Baba is my grandfather. We have a really big family, looking at each other, there is so much love, and this makes you very joyful inside. Brahmin means those who are sensible. There is a saying in India that they call  ‘lakir ke fakir’, in the sense that they hear something and they don't understand, they don't become sensible, but they are more ritualistic. They do it as a ritual, but a sensible one knows the meaning. So then your life, brahmin life, is a joyful life. They always remain content with themselves and also keep others happy. If you become discontent because of others, then you cannot experience happiness. So, if somebody is upset about something, don't try to clarify that, but be very positive and very humble, whether we see each other, whether we speak to each other, I mean, that's making souls content. So Baba says to experience the happiness of the Confluence Aged Brahmin life, to become the form of the Shakti and take yourself away from the atmosphere of others, means to keep yourself safe. This is the method to attain this aim, that is, to remain always content, always happy. It's a short life, and a valuable life. 

Om Shanti



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