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Transcribed Classes

Be a jewel of contentment #8


Jewel_of_Contentment_8                 Mohini_Didi             December 8, 2024

Om Shanti!

Everyone is ok, happy, content? As soon as Baba gives us a signal or we listen to a point, we ask ourselves a big question, “Am I doing it? Am I that?” Like today’s Baba’s signal is ‘love from the heart’. Love Baba, love service. We generally say I love to do this, I love to do this, certain things we do because it’s our duty, certain things we do because of our intellect, and it is based on knowledge. What we do from our heart with love brings contentment. Many times we even eat food, and it was good. We have to eat because the body needs it, but sometimes we say, “I really love it. It was so good, I loved it.” So the heart basically has feelings, and we have to be very sensible so that my heart is at the right place with the right things. Our intellect and mind have stopped wondering now. We can pull it, focus, concentrate. It should be the same with our feelings. Don’t be confused, don’t get nervous, no fear. Especially with Baba’s children, many years in knowledge, but the body also is getting aged. So some are worrying, and because of that, their stage is not good. When the stage is not good, then again there is worry. This causes heaviness, depression, loneliness. Whatever is happening, deeply within, I try to accept it, try to stabilize. Baba said in the Murli this morning, there are thoughts like, “What will happen? This might happen.” I think yes, that is a stage, but we have to now become strong, become stable, and try to have spiritual company, companionship, and communication, so that your energy remains good. My request to all the Brahmins is just to be okay. Have trust in Baba, never question, “Who will take care of me?” Baba will take care of me, when you say it, right souls, right place, right way, Baba will provide, but subtly you may have any concern if Baba will do it. Anxiety is very common these days, and of course with anxiety and concerns, we lose our energy, we lose our trust. So at this time for all Baba’s children, faith is from the intellect and trust is from the heart. You trust Baba and see how Baba will take care of you. So that is how again, it’s love from the heart. I know many of you are listening to Avyakti Parivar and some of you are in that kind of situation, that’s why I am mentioning this and why contentment, happiness is very important at this time. Take everything lightly, be happy, very light, communicate, talk, laugh, it’s important. Like yesterday Eric was saying that there was a time when we were so serious. It’s alright, that time is over, now you have to be light, not only for yourself but it helps others also. You are serving the souls in a very good way. Don’t make anything big or serious. It’s okay, it will be okay. So that is why Baba mentioned in the Murli the two words;  ‘merciful’ and ‘donor’. Why did Baba say merciful? You forgive, you forget, let’s go, don’t get stuck with anything for yourself or from others. As much you do that, I think your heart will remain very content. 

So, today’s signal is, ‘love from the heart’. Those who do service from their heart also stay in remembrance. Baba says that they have to make less effort and yet they experience contentment to a greater extent and are happy about it. Those who don’t have remembrance, with love in their heart, who simply remember Baba on the basis of the knowledge and they do service with their heart have to make greater effort and they have less contentment for themselves and for others. When you love everyone, you try to encourage them, help them to increase, whether it’s a power or virtue. So Baba says that even if they do have success, there will be a little contentment in their heart. They did it, it was very good, the program was good but you’re not very happy. So Baba is saying how important it is to be happy and content. So Baba says that they would always keep thinking, it is better if this happens, in the sense they keep thinking it could have been like this, it could have been better. They will continue to say this whereas those who have everything from their heart will constantly keep singing the songs of contentment. No, we always talk peace and love and now it’s contentment, happiness. Peace is there, I am a peaceful soul, but am I happy? Happiness not only nurtures the intellect, mind, body but also it’s very important at this time. Everyone is with some sorrow, some problem, some situation and Baba says, “No, go beyond, be happy, do everything that you do with love, whether it’s good wishes, pure feelings but everything based on love. Love from the heart.”

Om Shanti 



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