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Be a jewel of contentment #9


Jewel_of_Contentment_9                    Mohini_Didi                 December 9, 2024

Om Shanti!

Baba's ever full children. Kind heart, generous heart, big heart. All the qualities, and it's from the heart. So always think that your treasure stores are full. Someone had a big question, “If I keep giving, what will happen to me? If I keep giving, I keep giving, so I don't believe in giving.” Some people believe that I have to be a bestower. I have to be a donor and the prosperity or abundance is in giving. I have a lot of experience that giving sometimes is like a charitable action. Someone really needs something and I have but only enough for myself, and if I give, what will happen to me? I have one sandwich and I need to eat, someone comes very hungry. Can I get something to eat? Either you give it to him or at least give half, you share. In this life, sharing is very important. Somebody comes in front of you and needs some care and you don't care. I don’t have time for you, but if you care, you believe in the good wishes of others. I have learnt a lot because when there was partition of our country, a lot of children became orphans. Lots of parents didn't have any residence or food. So, when I left home to go to school, my family would pack one for me and two extra. If you see anyone, any child starving, you give. Two you give and one is for you. Somebody is very thirsty and if you have a bottle of water, you share. Sharing and caring is a very royal quality. Baba is saying that if you want abundance, you have to be generous. We can think about it and see how far I have that generous heart, kind heart, caring heart. Contentment is a sign of satisfaction. If you are a dissatisfied soul whether in terms of hunger of the body, hunger of the mind, then no matter how much you receive, you will always remain dissatisfied. Royal souls always remain full with even a little. Where there is fullness, there is contentment. So it's not something external. Fullness is from the mind. I like when we say purity, peace, happiness and prosperity is your birthright. We have to create very good omens for us so that the treasure store will remain full. In Hindi, we say ‘bharpoortha’, but also ‘burkat’. That means your pot will remain full. Baba also has said to be a donor, be a bestower, and the Avyakti signal is also the fullness. At this time in the world there is always lacking. God has come to take a few grains of rice of Sudama, so that in return he can give us unlimited palaces, everything is right like Sudama got. So it is so interesting that Krishna didn't give anything to Sudama in person, but when he reached home, he couldn't believe that instead of a hut there was a palace. Abundance of everything. So I think that Baba is the one who is the Bestower, the Fortune Maker. In the beginning I remember Dadi used to say, “Even give one rupee. A building is being built, so give just one rupee.” Save one rupee or put it in Baba's box. So, we all have experience, but always remember that I have to be a bestower, very caring and sharing. 

Om Shanti 



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