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Transcribed Classes

Be a karma yogi #10


Be_a_Karma__Yogi_10                        Mohini_Didi                          June 10, 2024

Om Shanti!

Bhumi bhen wanted to wear these sunglasses, dark glasses. Today I had to go to the eye doctor and had some procedures done. He asked me to keep my eyes covered, so don't worry about anything. Some souls ask or even when we say spread vibrations, give vibrations, really you don't have to give. Whatever is your awareness, whatever your thoughts, your state of mind, automatically those vibrations spread. Of course, within the BK family you can experience this from each other, but even lokik people, they feel it. I remember when I was traveling, and the person sitting next to me, they would say, “Oh, you are very peaceful.” It seems like they will automatically feel our vibrations. So that is why we have to pay attention because it's not only action you're doing, but also within that action, whatever is your awareness will spread vibrations. I remember when a sister used to cook in a peaceful kitchen, she would say, “Whenever I'm cooking I say ‘Baba’, of course with love for Baba. Also she requests that whoever eats this Brahma bhojan should experience this love, should create love for Baba, or can have more yoga with Baba. So that means we can also serve, not in a single way, but also double. When you are very much in intoxication and you're doing actions, but while doing actions because of your intoxication, because of your love for Baba, there will be a lot of good vibrations around. Like if there is a rose flower, in the western world most of the flowers don't have any fragrance. In India, they have roses, even if they have one rose or they have jasmine flowers, many kinds of flowers, but all the flowers are really very beautiful, very loving fragrance. Sometimes you don't see the flowers, you only smell flowers. So you know sometimes it does happen that you are doing something or walking around and you start kind of sensing something, like something is not right, and so then you start looking around and you find yes, maybe there is someone following me or there is something dangerous. Even animals, how they come to know about the time, they know the season. We all have that education so we know, but they are able to feel everything, and feelings are always stronger. To have good feelings and then suddenly, if there are negative feelings, you know the contrast of that. So just pay attention, that’s what the world needs, a lot of God’s love, they need peace, they need happiness. So what should I do? My presence, not just in lectures where we say to be peaceful, loveful. Now everyone says ‘om shanti’. When they finish saying it, everyone creates different vibrations. From some, there are very powerful vibrations, and for some, a little less percentage. So, since I read this, and heard this Avyakti homework, I was very fascinated, but I know that it requires a little more attention. Even if you are karma Yogi, pay a little more attention and see what vibrations you are able to spread, so that others can feel that and become that, or transform the whole atmosphere in the world. So our homework for tomorrow is, if you are karma Yogi then while doing karmas what should be your awareness? What should be your thoughts? This is very important. So that's what we will do for tomorrow.

Om Shanti 



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