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Be a karma yogi #12


Be_a_Karma_Yoga_12                     Mohini_Didi                     June 12, 2024

Om Shanti!

In Brahmin life, each one has a lot of experiences. You know what it is to be elevated. Baba said that when there is body consciousness, you lose power, and as soon as you feel powerless, you become weak. If I am having wasteful thoughts, just think that body consciousness has emerged. When you are in soul consciousness, there are always powerful thoughts. Now we all have that experience, that sometimes once in a while we are not very enthusiastic and start feeling difficulties, and this affects the mind. One thing I do while listening, is that I listen to only what I want to listen to. When you are going to a doctor, you keep talking but the doctor is very focused on making notes of what he or she needs. The doctor cares, but at that time, he doesn't want to listen to all that emotional stuff. So while listening, they don't listen. I learned that whenever a person is doing something, they want to concentrate on their job. We want to keep saying what we want to say, some are very good at not listening to what doesn't need to be heard, but there are some who lose their concentration. So I thought it's a very good learning point that we live in this world and people have so many things to tell us, their personal stories, their personal situations, their personal difficulties. Sometimes that energy gets caught up and we forget that I am here to be an embodiment and give experience. So I thought one of the very important dharnas is to listen when Baba says. Listen but don't listen, or only listen while listening to what you need to know, don't get into the emotions and the feelings. So then we lose that focus, and we lose that concentration. There's a lot of things we of course have to learn. Baba says to see things but don't see, hear but don't hear, but what it means is to have concentration for us and for others. 

So there are experiences in yoga. Many say that they see colours, but you don't need to see colours. You don't see in yoga, but you connect, whether you have a relationship with Baba or you see Baba as The Ocean of all Qualities. I am the master, I am the master ocean, I am the embodiment. So this is how to create many experiences while being with Baba. In the early morning, very beautifully love emerges from the Mother and Father. I always love Baba as my Parents and feel myself as a lovely child, a beloved child, a worthy child, whatever it is, but this is important to experience. Sometimes Baba says to experience all relationships with Him. So how do we experience this? Like Baba is my Teacher, the Supreme Teacher. What does a teacher expect from a student, or what does a student expect from a teacher? So sometimes I reflect on what I expect from Baba as Teacher, or what Baba expects of me as a student? It's also like a parent and child relationship. Then it becomes Satguru Baba, and tomorrow is Satguru Baba's day. So we wake up at Amritvela and I say, “Baba, Satguru Baba, good morning” and then even during the day in being a karma yogi, create the experiences, different experiences. If a soul is disturbed or not in a good mood, and you remain stable in your own self religion of peace, silence, just stay, then within a few minutes, the other soul also gets the vibrations. So, while doing actions, it is important to see what vibrations are required and create that stage and spread those vibrations, create that atmosphere. So everyone feels light, everyone feels happy, because if there is tension while doing something, it really makes the atmosphere very heavy, or if anything goes wrong, we make it a big thing. Even if it is big, we try to make it as if nothing much is there. It's all right, the lighter you make the situation, the higher your stage can remain. Baba always gives the example of a mountain to mole or cotton wool. So there will be many things that happen, and either we make them big or make them small. Sometimes we think if I make it small, there won't be any learning or impact, but at that time, the atmosphere affects the minds of everyone. So we have to go up, not come down, whatever the situation. 

I know that in my life, so many things happen and I just make it like ‘it's all right, Baba will take care’. Yesterday or the day before, I was feeling a little bit kind of little whether I call it anxiety or something, and Bhumi bhen started saying, “When you get tense, we all are like that, you know.” So, I immediately realise that yes I have to be strong, and see that Baba will help, and everything will be easy. Baba is the One who has to use our body also for service. So He takes care also. So immediately give yourself some points of knowledge, or Baba is there to take care. So with our thoughts, with our stage, the atmosphere changes. Now that's experience. What kind of atmosphere do we want? Very stable, very powerful, very light, and if you want that atmosphere, it's our thoughts, it's our experience. So we have to use all the powers at that time. When we use the power, our thoughts are powerful, then experience also is very powerful, atmosphere is powerful, then everyone else also is strong. So we have to be karma yogi, raj yogis, sahaj yogis. So remembering Baba, easy, and also total control, raj yogi, sovereign yogi. So tomorrow's homework is to have experiences, create experiences, create that atmosphere, very beautiful. We will do that tomorrow.

 Om Shanti 



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