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Be a karma yogi #14


Be_a_Karma_Yogi_14                      Mohini_Didi                        June 14, 2024

Om Shanti!

I really love Baba, Baba’s knowledge and also the big yagya and the family, because we are very natural. One of the natural things in life is to do something, keep doing something which means to perform actions, because we have been performing actions. I remember the first time I had appointment to meet Baba, when I entered, I saw there were some mothers who were doing something and one of the mother was grinding something and someone said this is Baba‘s wife “Jashodamata”. I said, “oh, she also does things.” I was very impressed that all the mothers were doing something, because I always thought that spirituality and the character of deity doesn’t mean you just sit all the time. Be natural. If the soul is in the body, the soul's needs and requirements are different from the body. The  body requires sustenance. A body requires food and for food you require money and so people have to work or do farming or something or other, which is very natural. You cannot deny the body. We heard about yogis and rishis who don’t cut their hair. They have long hair, they don’t wash. I always thought that God in His spirituality should give us a very normal, natural life where we take care of the body. Baba‘s clothes were so clean so white and very beautiful. Baba used and we also used rosewater because rose perfume is not very strong. Just water even has a very beautiful fragrance.  What Baba comes and does is change our quality of actions and then combines it with Raj yoga, yoga and action. Then also, as you all know, in the yagya everyone did everything, washing pots, washing cars, washing the bus, they did everything. I think it was fun for even the young ones to do something.  Even in the beginning, there were no servants no one to help all. The niwasis would spend their whole day that way. Their action was like playing in the sense they were so joyful to do it. The first action Baba gave everyone was to clean and wash dishes. DadiJanki always used to say that while you wash, all your sins will be washed away. In the beginning everyone doesn’t follow principles so they’re not allowed to come into the kitchen to cook or cut vegetables. All  they could do was wash and clean. I remember seeing the dadis also doing all that.

There are thoughts, words and actions. Baba says look at each other, but while looking at each other, be very spiritual, be soul conscious, be smiling, be alokik. When we have conversations, our conversation should be like Baba’s. Everything has character, everything has talent. I remember in the beginning the dadis looked like they’re not from this land because the way they talk, the way they walk was very spiritual, very alokik.  It’s all right that sometimes we want to be joyful and make it fun. Making fun is all right but we cannot use ordinary language. Baba is saying every action is trikaldarshi. Baba has taught us everything, and that is why in olden days as now they are called, we knew everything, not only cooking and cleaning, but taking care of stock, taking care of people, hospitality. I remember we used to have a picnic with Baba on the roof of History Hall. He always sat on the floor. They would serve us 3-4 things, one sweet, mostly samosas. Even at that time there was not much in the yagya, very simple, but very royal and so beautiful. I still remember the picnic of those days and then many of you must have gone to peace park with Dadi, on one side they’re making fresh halva and on the other side they’re frying pakoras. The body as nature has to be served properly. You cannot just say it’s all right, I ate something from yesterday. Eat properly because even doctors will advise you about fruits and vegetables, don’t just eat one meal.  Baba is saying not only character but also quality.  Everyone asked her Dadi Janki how she remained healthy. One nurse asked which cream do you use, your skin is so good. I think that character means good behavior, good manners but also to have a body where everyone looks at. I also say Baba, I want to run again. Dadi Janki used to say to Baba I want to sit on the floor. I’m sure that Baba has to give our vision to the world and we are becoming that. 

Om Shanti



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