Be_A_Karma_Yogi_15 Mohini_Didi June 15, 2024
Om Shanti Everyone!
Karma is also called a seed. Thought is the seed of karma, and karma is the seed of everything. Then also, karma could be a chain. So, whenever we do karma and especially now, Baba has taught us to do it in soul consciousness, neutral, not with dislike, but loving. So we have to be always careful because, as you sow, so we reap. Now a karma could be a good karma, but inside, there is little bit of greed or little bit of attachment and feelings. So the seed has everything; thought and action. Then we don't realize, and we say, “What did I do? I didn't do this right.” Many things happen as a result, but we say, “Why is this happening to me? I didn't do anything.” So that is why Baba keeps saying that your thoughts, your words, your everything, should be very pure. As much there is purity in the seed, then we will find those experiences in our favor. They are very pleasant, but if you don't pay attention while doing them, then whatever happens, we have to accept everything. We have to accept it because we don't remember what we did, how we did it, starting from thought, attitude, drishti, interaction, anything. It's all their karma. Everything is action. Everybody's part is performing action all the time. So soul consciousness, actually, is the best practice. One can do neutral karma, akarma they call it. One is sukarma, which means you do elevated actions. Then there are also negative actions. Some actions are as Baba says, where you are a detached observer. So it's very subtle, it’s only when we pay attention then we realize, “Oh, I should not have thought that way.” So, Baba draws our attention, and children should think about karmas and karma relationships. During the day, we do feel that I could have been better, I said something, but it could have been more positive. So self-corrections keep happening, and a karma yogi soul should always be a detached observer in every action. When we have done it already, some people keep thinking I shouldn't, I shouldn't have, but it’s already done. So, have good wishes and be a detached observer of your own actions. A lot of our thoughts are about what we have already done. It's a kind of bondage, but it’s done. I cannot erase it now. So instead of that, why not keep my power in the right actions. Recently, Baba gave the message, to create, don’t repeat, and that is something new and something more positive. Baba is saying to be a detached observer in every action, then you will not have any karmic bondage through any actions, because the fruit of action is elevated. Baba says to be detached and loving to the Father. Such detached and loving souls even today are an example in front of many souls. Souls automatically become a karma yogi. That means I am finding that more and more souls are becoming cooperative because you have inspired them. Many souls say that there is not enough cooperation. So, just be detached but also loving. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. No, it does matter, I always say. Just be detached and lovely. Be a detached observer.
Om Shanti