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Be a karma yogi #17


Be_a_Karma_Yogi_17               Mohini_Didi                   June 17, 2024

Om Shanti!

Is everyone ok? Yes, whatever happens, sometimes you don't want it that way, but it does happen. So for that, we have to see when it happens, there is some benefit in that. Even sometimes the reaction that happens is not a very good response, but it happens, so it must be accurate. Recently, there were few sisters, we were sitting together and we were very concerned about what happened two days ago. I said that when you have a pure heart, good feelings, and an intention of bringing benefit, and you say something out of all those good feelings. Then the other person doesn't take it in the right way, and starts suffering mentally and cuts off, becomes detached, and does not do their duties. Then do mansa seva, because our vibrations can help that soul to come out of that  negative reaction, or come out of whatever is happening within that soul. I said to do 24 hours because there is no other way that you are able to help that person. If your words are not helping, why keep doing it? You will lose your stage. Just do mansa seva, then also don't keep thinking about it and discussing it. Baba really wants us to be detached. It is not that you don't care, I do care, but then if something has happened, it happened right? Baba said that it's not that you don't care, but you don't waste your thoughts, your time and energy, because you cannot redo that anyway. Be attentive next time, and think about it. Maybe you need more appropriate words, or maybe you need to be more gentle. There must be something, because sometimes you know what the sensitive issues of that person are, from the past or sanskars, or whatever reason. Baba says that knowledge makes you sensible. When you are sensible, then your thoughts, your time, your breadth, all energies are used in a worthwhile way. The word “detach" also has to be understood in the right way. 

There are many examples where we really learn from Brahma Baba that he accepted everything. Once when 20 souls wanted to leave the Yagya, Baba noticed their activity was not as it should be. So Baba knew that one day they would decide to leave. When they came, Baba said, “Ok, when are you going? What do you want to take?" They were surprised and in the end they were very grateful to Baba for allowing them to leave with a lot of love and respect. They left with a lot of love and respect for Baba.  So it is also up to us how we accept situations and deal with them with a lot of respect, a lot of kindness. Baba said to at least have mercy. Once they leave the Yagya, they won't be able to come back. So, when you are detached, your attitude towards people remains the same. If you keep saying that I am detached but you are still thinking, that means you were not detached. If I did it the right way, then stop thinking. It's all Drama.  

There are two subjects, karma and yoga. Perform actions, and also stay in remembrance. Baba says to not become so busy in action that you forget to stay in your soul conscious stage. Take the support of the body, you can practice now, you are listening, I'm using my mouth, you're using your ears. I'm using my body with the physical organs, and as  soon as your action is complete, become detached. The stage of a karma yogi will easily make you karmateet. That's our destination. Our goal or aim is to become karmateet. Baba says to come into action as often as you want, but also become detached whenever you want. So there's no problem with the actions, right, but to maintain the awareness and ability to stop and be completely detached. When you want to do it, you do it. It's such an interesting balance of harmonizing so many points of knowledge, so that we have the appropriate use of the intellect, use of the body, everything. Whatever we have is used in a very worthwhile way. 

Om Shanti 



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