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Transcribed Classes

Be a karma yogi #18


Be_a_Karma_Yogi_18                        Mohini_Didi                     June 18, 2024

Om Shanti!

How many of you have seen a lotus flower? You might have to go to the Caribbean. They are common in India also, lotus flowers. Especially if you go to Kashmir, there is a valley where water generally doesn’t flow and it’s like a pond. The  lotus flower is always in that pond. Pond is more like still water, it doesn’t flow. So because of that, there are a lot of leaves, and not very clean water. Our Didi Manmohini used to say, “Are you a river? Are you a pond?” Rivers flow, and so when they flow, they carry all the rubbish. The river is very clean and the pond is not. So, it is so interesting that today we live in a world which is really a pond where the thoughts get stuck. People always get stuck in situations that don't move, and sometimes you feel like; okay something happened the day before yesterday, so move forward. Why are you just getting stuck?  So that is the nature of being like a pond, but still Baba inspires us. Baba teaches us and what we actually become in this pond also is a beautiful flower which is very detached, but also very lovely. I think you all remember that once we were talking about a rosary; how the beads are very connected but also do not touch each other. So the same with the lotus is in the water, but it is not touched by the water. Neither the lotus touches water nor water touches the lotus. So it is such a beautiful stage. 

For two days, Baba has been talking about karmateet and karma yogi. It is a very interesting connection. I find that now it is so easy to understand what it is to be karmateet. After doing actions, or even if you have to do action, your intellect is not being pulled towards the action. It’s done. We have to do it, we will do it at the right time. Not that the intellect keeps pulling towards that. That means you are not in the bondage of action. So we have to do action but not in the bondage. We have to do action but Baba says to be very detached and lovely. Let’s say there is a fire, destruction happening, so what do you have to give? Power of peace. Then also, what is the need of that soul? You have to fulfill that. Whatever the soul needs must be given at that time. So I was thinking that we have to be prepared for that time. Baba says that the whole world will be on fire, and that is happening actually. In India it’s very hot. A lot of sand and a lot of heat waves are there. Then some states, there is so much rain that flooding is happening. The elements are really disorderly and tamoguni. They function out of season in whatever way. So today Baba is comparing each one of us as a karmayogi to a lotus flower. The colors are also very beautiful; pink color, a lit bit of violet, a little bit white, very beautiful colors. So Baba is saying lovely and detached. Some could be detached and not lovely. If you are lovely, you also have to be detached, what Baba says ‘nyara and pyra’, unaffected by the vibrations. Before we were unaffected by the words or atmosphere, but even the vibrations could pull you down sometimes. So pay attention to your stage. 

Baba says that the soul cannot function on its own. The body cannot function on its own. It’s only when they are combined that you can do actions. In the same way, Baba says that yoga and karma should be combined. That is remembrance of Baba. Many times we sit in remembrance and think of karma, actions. I have to do this, I have to do that. It does happen and sometimes we forget Baba while doing actions. Karma yogi means that while doing actions, remember Baba. In remembrance, the intellect shouldn’t be pulled anywhere, you are not affected by the vibrations. Vibrations are so subtle but they influence a lot, they are very powerful. Baba says ‘no’. That’s like mud, muddy water (kichad). Baba says that vibrations are like mud. Those vibrations shouldn’t touch you. Sometimes the mood goes up and down. Energy level goes up and down. It's the same as when you have a cool breeze, you feel very pleasant. Then suddenly there are hot waves, and you don’t feel good. Vibrations are like a breeze. Then it’s not that I am going to regulate the way I want. I cannot because they are there. Like heat waves are there, cool waves are there. You can’t regulate them, but you remain beyond that. You can remain unaffected. So, Baba is saying to remain detached and lovely, but also to not have any burden. As soon as you find something is of concern or something is bothering you, something you are thinking about a lot, it's a heaviness, a burden. Baba says that there shouldn’t be any burden, you should remain very light. The lotus flower is very light, even lighter than many other flowers. The petals are very gentle and it’s a very light flower, beautiful. Baba is giving us blessings actually; that karmayogi is a lotus flower. The lotus flower is lovely, detached, and very light, not affected by any kind of rubbish. So, it remains very light & beautiful. Baba’s every child is a lotus flower.

Om Shanti



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