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Transcribed Classes

Be a karma yogi #19


Be_a_Karma_Yogi_19                        Mohini_Didi                   June 19, 2024

Om Shanti!

I think we need to ask ourselves this question, “How much do I practise creating the awareness of being an angel?” I can definitely say for myself that we need more practice. Yeah we are paying a lot of attention to be a karma yogi, and what Baba is saying in the Murli is that after being a karma yogi, you become an angel because your actions have to be elevated first. It's not, you say that I am an angel and your actions are ordinary. So your actions are elevated actions and from there you go a little higher and more elevated. Are you all satisfied with the practice of creating the awareness of being an angel? Let me see the hands! Some are, and how many of you feel we need to pay more attention? Our intellect is with actions all the time, thoughts, words, but a lot more can happen and can be done if we are in the awareness of being an angel. I definitely would want to do it more and then see the result, that is, it is definitely different, a karma yogi or an angel doing things. So we had been practising a lot to be a karma yogi, to be detached, to be lovely, to be different stages, connected to be karmateet from karma yogi. Baba had been inspiring us to be in the angelic stage. Many many ask me, “How do we experience Avyakt BapDada in the angelic stage, the angelic world?” It's only when we are angelic that we can connect, we can receive from Baba, we can communicate with Baba. So this practice is very important to be with our angelic Baba. A karma yogi can connect with Brahma Baba in sakar, because Brahma Baba in sakar was constantly with the timetable, with actions, and later on we did notice what Baba says ‘be detached and lovely’. While listening, he was listening as much as necessary, he was talking as much as necessary, even a lot less physical action, but more was through drishti, like sharing light and might, sharing love, but in angelic form. So to remain connected, we also have to start paying more attention to creating awareness and then acting as an angel, very fascinating. I'm sure that a lot more of Baba’s task can be fulfilled, and a lot more souls can be served. Now we serve and the result is very limited. We are happy because at least we are successful, but we need to do it as an angel. So all of us have to have this pure thought, determined thought, that I want to be a karma yogi, and now an angel. That means that you do actions, but in the angelic stage. 

So, Baba is giving us homework for tomorrow, and that is to be in your avyakt form, angelic stage, and Baba is describing that angelic stage. Always think that I live above, above these five elements, and I come down here to do action. So, tomorrow is the day of Satguru Baba. We can practise that I am coming from above to perform actions, then be a karma yogi, and as soon as I finish the actions, then I again go up in that incorporeal and angelic stage. For angelic stage, first detach from the body. When we are detached from the body, then we have our angel wings and angel body. You all have heard that Brahma Baba, whether he was lying down or he was in action or he was walking outside, people would just stop to see him because his face was smiling and happy. People would feel that it was a different kind of drishti. So we give drishti right now, we share drishti, but let's do it in angelic way. What is angelic drishti, or like angelic Baba says, angelic attitude? I think there will be not only a lot of joy for us inside, but our achievements also will be different. I am thinking we can do that maybe even a little bit of that tomorrow, while being karma yogi, we have the awareness of being an angel. So that means, whether you're giving bhog or toli or something, your drishti will be angelic drishti, and angelic drishti has a lot of attraction, completely different feelings. So, it's very important that we practise this and see how one feels as an angel, how one acts as an angel. I think if I do it like Baba said, I become avyakt. Then the children can be sustained and served. So it is the same as our sustenance and service, the angelic stage will definitely be different. We should practise and serve in that stage and see the joy that we feel, the presence of Avyakt BapDada, communication with Him, everything will definitely improve, increase, and there will be more contentment. 

Om Shanti




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