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Transcribed Classes

Be a karma yogi #2


Be_a_Karma_Yogi_2                       Mohini_Didi                    June 2, 2024

Om Shanti! 

Everyone is happy, okay? Last month we practiced happiness, and this month our practice is being ‘karma yogi’. Being a yogi while doing karma is a very interesting topic. I was listening or reading about what we have to do tomorrow and really thinking that I had been with Baba for 60 plus years. This is very important, it’s something new and something if we pay attention, we can be very natural and easy. Of course, Baba is explaining in the Murli which we heard this morning, about there’s your effort and there’s a will in which Baba has given which is like blessing. So are all my powers because of my efforts, or are all powers because of the will which I receive from Baba? Is it that Baba selects us to get the will, or everyone gets it? Those who kind of offer themselves to be an instrument, Baba uses the word ‘nimmit’. Baba is remembering the Dadis who came in the beginning, surrendered themselves, and at that time, it’s not like there were centres to do service. Cooking had to be done for 300, cleaning had to be done, but there was nothing like computers, and all the people felt great when they did that kind of service. It was just how to take care of the unlimited Yagya. You know Dadi Gulzar shares the experience that pots were so big and sometimes it was their duty to clean. So they had to stand in the pot to clean it. They were 12 years, 13 years old and they would scrub the pot. I saw some of them, they had to repair or clean the car or buses then they would go under because they were so small and their hands could reach. That was considered to be true service, taking care of the Yagya, but today the definition has changed. It is more if I can do this, or anyone who is able to take care of the Yagya, Baba is calling them nimmit ones. The powers will work in a very natural way because it is Baba’s Yagya. 

So, Baba is saying that every organ of the body, whatever they have to do, I have to see through eyes, move my hands to do things and use the feet to run, walk, to do whatever Baba wants us to do. It's the same way, Baba said, for the intellect. It should be natural to remember Baba. I was remembering how a few years ago a lot of people in the lokik world also deeply always felt God as Creator. I remember that if someone said to an older person, oh you beautiful children, they would raise their hands up and say that it’s His blessing. So, my remembrance of God was there in some form or other, but then gradually as body consciousness began, then the intellect goes towards the bodily beings. So, Baba is saying that you should be a natural and easy karma yogi. Just as actions continue naturally and the physical organs have the natural practice, in the same way, the intellect also has to have the natural practice, and these physical organs have their own original and eternal task to perform. You don’t have to make any effort, Baba says, to move your hands or your feet. In the same way, Baba says, in Brahmin life, that is, in the Confluence Aged life, the real work of the intellect, or the work of your life, is to remember the Father. The natural real work of your life is natural and easy, so why does it take effort to remember Baba? So experience yourself to be an easy karma yogi.  So how do we become that embodiment of remembrance? I think somewhere maybe it is there, we don’t pay attention, and now tomorrow we will look into that my intellect is naturally with Baba, in remembrance of Baba. As all parts of the body, they do whatever they have to do, the same should be that the intellect is with Baba. I thought it's a very important and powerful point which we all should pay attention to.

Om Shanti 



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