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Be a karma yogi #20


Be_a_Karma_Yogi_20                            Mohini_Didi                          June 20, 2024   

Happy Satguruvaar Everyone! 

Are you all happy? Generally, karma is supposed to be understood as more of a bondage, but actually it is both. If I do the action in my original stage, my eternal stage and use the qualities of the eternal stage, then action is like a seed. If you sew one seed, a mango seed, how many years will they get the fruit? So, whenever anyone does anything or whatever happens, I always remind myself that I have to sow the seeds, I do not want another ring, so the chain becomes bigger and bigger, that means the bondage becomes more and more. So, Baba has given us knowledge. Only attention on what is required before doing action should be there. Generally, we keep doing, thoughts come, intellect works, we decide, then we do action, it becomes a sanskar and that sanskar keeps emerging. If I find that sanskar is not the right one, I can break that chain. That means when I get thoughts that I know are not right, I change them or stop them. Work is really done with a thought in the mind. Once we understand, then what happens? We pay attention that, no, I have to break this chain. So, what Baba is saying today for our homework tomorrow is that soul and body, they are two, and when the soul enters the body, then through the physical organs, it performs action. That means the soul will see through the eyes, and will speak through the mouth. So, who is speaking? Not the mouth. Generally, they say, “I didn't want it, but it just came out of my mouth.” Now we know the mouth doesn't speak. It is the soul through the mouth that speaks. So you become like a Master, you become detached, and then you say that I eat through my mouth. So, this awareness, this consciousness, this attention, is very important and will help you to be free from the bondages. Like Shiv Baba comes in Brahma Baba's body and speaks to us and then He is detached. So, Baba gives us the example of how you can use the body, but then be detached from the body. So, Baba is saying that you're not doing it because of your bondage. It's like many things, we do not necessarily do it, but we are in this situation. Many people say, “When did I create it? What did I do? It is definitely from some karmas, some actions. So, all of us have to pay attention in such a way that I do not remain subservient to the physical body, but I am the master. Being the master means I create karma and the quality of karma. Some effort is definitely required, but when we make effort, there is also the fruition of that effort. So, have the awareness that I am the master and there are no bondages.

Om Shanti



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