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Transcribed Classes

Be a karma yogi #22


Be_a_Karma_Yogi_22 Mohini_Didi         June 22, 2024

Om Shanti! 

We know that our home, the home of all souls, is the Supreme abode, Paramdham. Many different names are given, they call it Nirvana dham. Nirvana is free from the speech of the world. It is the world of silence, total silence. Not only silence, but it’s a world of peace, Shanti dham, and the Supreme Abode. So all of us, all souls, have come from there to play our part. Baba says that now the cycle is complete and it is the end, so you have to return home. Before returning home, you have to be completely pure. All past actions have to be burnt. The five vices have to be conquered. I have to have total awareness that I am a pure soul, I am an angel. Then when we are in Paramdham, we don't experience anything, because the mind and intellect are not active. It's only when the soul is in nature and the five elements, we take a body, and then there are experiences. So now towards the end of the Confluence Age, when it's time to return home, we have to keep that awareness. We also have to experience the silence of Paramdham. It's a very beautiful experience because it’s total silence. The silence of the Paramdham, the purity of Paramdham, it’s a land of freedom, no bondage, no pull. Just a point of life. So, you play your part here and then like you finish and you go in your room. In the same way, whatever part you're playing, just remind yourself that I also have to go home. So not only home in the lokik way, but also home for souls. Then also, we have the angelic world with our BapDada there. So after actions, whatever you have to do, then you go to the angelic world. I am detached, I am free, I played my part, and now I'm in the angelic world. So, we live in both worlds; in this corporeal world where we do actions, we have to play our part, but like any actor from this stage, when the part is finished, the actor goes home. So, this awareness not only will prepare us for home, bring all these good qualities, but also, in the subtle regions, because our BapDada is there, we all have to become angelic and communicate with BapDada. So just practice, remind yourself that I have to go home, I have to go to subtle regions. I think it will bring a lot of beautiful experiences, take us beyond, and make us detached. It will be very lovely, we will feel that we are on a journey. So, we will practice returning home. 

Om Shanti



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