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Be a karma yogi #23


Be_a_Karma_Yogi_23                        Mohini_Didi                     June 23, 2024

Om Shanti!

A karma yogi is merged in Baba's love while performing actions, and is constantly in remembrance of Baba. So, if I am merged in Baba's love and I am in remembrance of Baba and performing actions then there will be this awareness that it's like I am playing a game. When I am playing a game, being in Baba's remembrance, we are detached, then there is lightness. So, I am playing a game. Actually, Baba is Karankaravanhar, so I constantly keep the aim as a karma yogi, I have to remain merged in Baba's love. I have to be in remembrance of Baba. I have to be detached. So continuously while doing action and being a karma yogi, keep creating this awareness, keep reminding yourself that I have to be in Baba's remembrance, I have to be detached. This will help you to not create any bondage, be a very detached karma yogi, no bondage. So that should be our understanding and awareness, so that there is power, there is continuous remembrance, and the soul is experiencing a lot of love also from Baba. So, it's very important for a karma yogi to feel that ‘I am just playing a game’.

Om Shanti 



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