Be_a_Karma_Yogi_24 Mohini_Didi June 24, 2024
Om Shanti!
I don't know how many of you have seen Mama. I think very few, but all of you heard about Mama, right? Not only that but, for the Yagya, in the Yagya, Mama played a very important role, because Baba being the chariot of Shiv Baba was never in the front. Baba said that they will not recognize that there is God in this body, using this chariot. So, it was always Mama and with Baba mostly, also Dadi Prakashmani. You all know how Mama was very fearless, very active, and of course she understood knowledge accurately, changed the knowledge into wisdom, and shared it every morning. First she would churn every point, and after that, she would speak. A few times, Baba was traveling to Kashmir and Calcutta and some other places, and Mama would continue by speaking knowledge. Baba would give some points in writing for that day, and Mama would read them, reflect on them, and she would speak. Baba also used to get the copy of what she was speaking, and Baba found that the way Mama was explaining every point with accurate meaning was making accurate sense also. Sometimes some can get very much struck in the meaning of the words in a gross way, but Mama was able to understand what Baba is saying, why He was saying it, how we implement it, and the benefits of that. So, her churning was really very practical. So one day, Baba said that what Mama is speaking is Mama’s Murli. Everyone was a little surprised and Baba never said this for Dadi Prakashmani or any other Dadi who also spoke very well and explained the points. Mama spoke Murli. I think, later on, you all must have heard Dadi Prakashmani when she read Murli, everyone loved it, and the feeling, her expression and everything was really very beautiful. Everyone was giving a class, so they all gave class, but Mama didn't give class. I think that because sometimes we define purity as, of course, a viceless stage, purity of intellect, where there is total trust, there is faith and understanding.
So Mama’s intellect was able to put the knowledge in a very accurate way, then implement it and be a good example for everyone. Even her part at the Confluence Age is a short part, not many years. When I came, I spent a good amount of time with Mama, and some way or other we were connecting. Mama was very loving and very inspiring. I think that the main thing is how you perform as an actor, but also internally being an embodiment. So Mama was that image. I remember the first time when she came to Delhi, they used to travel by train. So, when she was about to leave, she got on the train. In those days, there used to be a very big compartment in the train, during British time. So, it was quite a good side room, maybe this one would also have a washroom. Mama brought them and those who are traveling with her, and I just had a feeling as you heard Baba saying that or someone said that you feel like just deciding to spend your life for God’s service. So, I was so enthusiastic and Mama was saying, “Yes, it will happen.” I said, “I just want to surrender.” I was in my first year of university and I had to continue for a few years. Baba wanted us just to have a little bit of knowledge of the world and lokik systems. Mama was a great source of inspiration for all of us, and all Dadi’s used to be together with Mama. So it was a big fortune to see them chatting. The only thing they chatted about was knowledge. So one is personal effort, the other is what is my connection with others. There should be sharing knowledge and sharing the vibrations of yoga.
So Mama really was the right example and the source of inspiration. When Mama left the body, it is so interesting that generally people think like they would say, “Oh, so Sr. Mohini now won't continue. Mama is not here.” It's so interesting that it never happened whether Baba became Avyakt or Mama. It was not that we were sad or we gave up anything, rather there was a whole new enthusiasm and determination that emerged. We have to continue now, we are responsible, we will do it more. It makes sense that their task has to be carried out, so those kinds of thoughts and feelings emerged. It was very beautiful to have the sustenance of all ancestor souls. Mama was definitely a good example of being very loving, whatever was in your heart, she would listen, she would give you an answer and also power. It's very easy to say that Baba says this, this is the solution, but power really is the answer, that’s what is in the words. So that's what Mama would do, the same as Dadi Janki. So many times we used to make things feel so difficult, too big. Even staying in her presence made everything very powerful and easy. So today looking at Mama, looking at her playing the sitar, Saraswathi form. Also, not only seeing how she herself was free from all obstacles, but she also had what Baba is also talking about; being a detached observer. Some people are very bothered that they have a lot of waste thoughts about money or anything. Mama was very stable about everything, and when you are stable, then only you can ascend and move forward. If you are not stable, you are stuck somewhere and you fluctuate.
So Mama was an example of a detached observer. What do I have to do in the transformation of others? Our duty is to keep giving love, share Baba’s teachings, and let people take it as much as they can take. You cannot force anyone to take teachings. So we all have to practice today, be a detached observer, not create any bondage of karma by saying this one is like that, that one is like that, because that is what is remembered. Many souls do a lot of service, but they have the habit of looking at the defects and weaknesses, and we'll talk about that. Recently someone said, “He is very good, but he always talks about others.” So it becomes a kind of defect. We all have to follow conversations of knowledge and spiritual love. God's love is eternal. Once you receive it every kalpa, you will be very close to Baba. So, on my behalf, lots of love for each one of you. Everyone is sincerely making effort, and I'm sure very soon we will reach our destination, our stage of perfection.
Om Shanti