Be_a_Karma_Yogi_26 Mohini_Didi June 26, 2024
Om Shanti!
Each one of us, we are Baba's special children, and very good in having good yoga and also performing actions of service day and night. So we are making good efforts, but what is missing and what Baba wants us to do is combine it, that is, we do actions, we do yoga, but while doing actions, in whose remembrance are we? There are always some kind of thoughts in the mind while cooking, while cleaning, or doing any action, but generally people have concentration on actions. So generally we have concentration, yoga, but with the task. So a task does need concentration because otherwise your action will not be accurate, but internally, it's always the thought that there has to be something special. What you do, you are cooking, okay, everyone cooks different kinds of food, but if you do it in remembrance, the food really will be very good, very tasty in a different way, and souls will want to know. A lot of people when they come to Madhuban, they want recipes. So okay, you give the recipe, then they make it and they say, “Our food doesn't taste the same.” So we always say that what is missing is God's remembrance, what is missing is Baba's remembrance, or maybe you didn't cook with God's love. Somewhere deeply within, even if it's not visible, but in our action, when there is God's remembrance, that means I'm combined in doing actions with Baba, there will be difference. So I think what we all have to do is to experiment and see the difference. There will be a lot of attention, there will be a deep desire. I want to do it with Baba. Let Baba be with me and this is how I've seen souls and Dadis, just deep within this thought is, ‘Baba is with me. Baba is with me or I'm combined with Baba. My Baba, you are with me’.
In a very simple way, keep reminding yourself and create the presence of Baba. It's not only for the action which will be good, but it is also for the self, otherwise of course as Mamma said, the morning hours are the best hours to do yoga, because the atmosphere is pure. She said 2am then she said 3am because 2 is early. Mama used to wake up at 2 but at least at 3:00, between 3 to 5 is the best, the vibrations are pure, and it's good to have good yoga at that time. At night time, there is all kinds of violence and vices, but Baba said, and Mama is telling us about the early morning. So it is the same as when Baba is saying ‘combined’. Karma and yoga. If you subtly really look, you are always remembering something while cooking. There is love, there is enthusiasm, there is happiness, joy, I'm doing this for Baba's family maybe or our spiritual family, but thought is there. It is a good time to check and create that stage and create some new experiences. Baba is saying that you always have the Father merged in your heart, and this is why you are moving along with this fast effort. Baba said that you are a karma yogi soul, are you not? Karma and yoga are combined, are they not? Always keep balance, as Baba says, and claim blessings from the Father, and always have a blissful life. You are such an elevated soul. The Father always has this pure desire for all the children, let this one become a bead of the rosary of victory for this the service with Baba says, ‘combined form’.
If you want to be victorious, Baba has to be with you. In any scripture, every scripture, they show that God was on the side of the Pandavas, they won, and wherever God was, there was victory. So it's not only my personal attainment of victory, but of Baba being with me. I am a bead, but I become a victorious bead. I am revising it, so that we underline it, and from tomorrow we pay attention and experience Baba combined with me. Dadi Janki used to say, what is yoga? Just sit next to Baba. It is so easy, right? We say, “Oh, I have to connect with Baba, I have to have yoga with Baba.” Dadi said to just sit next to Baba. That kind of closeness is very important to become a victorious jewel.
Om Shanti