Be_a_Karma_Yogi_28 Mohini_Didi June 28, 2024
Om Shanti!
Mama is the real example of a karma yogi. Since she came to Baba, of course she had a very good intellect, she was very talented, she used to sing and many other talents. As soon as she came to the Yagya, Baba saw and noticed that one hobby she had was to study Murli, and of course, whatever theYagya required as far as seva or karma yoga was concerned, she was always doing it. Whenever she had time, we have seen in one of her pictures that she would go somewhere in isolation and take Murli and study, because knowledge is considered to be light. Light in the sense of not only lightness, but clarity also. Knowledge has power, might, but also knowledge brings talents, skills, and virtues. Everything is based on knowledge. So I think the foundation of a karma yogi life really is love for study. As much we churn, reflect, and create insights, so internally, the soul feels very happy. Today I remember that we have been saying ‘Om Shanti’, ‘Om Shanti’, but generally when we say ‘Om Shanti’, it’s really not proper Om Shanti. We don’t say ‘Om Shanti’ meaning that I am reminding myself first that I am a peaceful soul, then I am reminding others or greeting others with Om Shanti. So recently they have been finding that anytime, whether physically you are not well, or internally you feel your energy is not very strong, sit for five minutes and internally keep saying ‘Om Shanti’. It’s good for the soul and body both. For the body, you know sometimes there is some kind of tiredness of thought or whatever reason, so the brain needs more oxygen. When you say ‘Om’, oxygen is going in the brain, then you say ‘Shanti’ and then it is coming to the heart. So your brain and heart both will get charged. Some had been doing 20 minutes, some did 10 minutes, as much one can do today. I am telling this because sometimes when we say remembrance and yoga, we make it like I have to concentrate, and I am so tired. How can I concentrate? Then when I sit to meditate, I nod off. So make it simple. Just say ‘Baba’ and recently I have found a formula for myself of combined form, ‘I and my Baba’. So it is a very simple practice which you can do very often, as I said, once an hour is very good. Even if you can do more, it’s better. When you are tired, your energy is low. You start getting a lot of wasteful thoughts. We know that we will definitely keep doing Seva, because you cannot just sit and rest. The body needs to be very active. The brain needs to be active like every part of the body. So that’s why Baba has given us world service or a Karma Yogi life, so a good balance can be created.
Baba says to check that your treasure store is full, which is very important. You have to use, you have to spend, but not waste. It’s not that you are a miser, no. We have to spend but always remember, don’t waste. Whether it’s your time, your thoughts, or anything, don’t waste it. Then it can get accumulated. Baba is saying to have a balance of karma and remembrance. While playing a part of a karma yogi, check the balance of karma and yoga. Did my actions and remembrance, that is yoga, both remain powerful? Make sure what I have to do, the task gets complete, and also you check your yoga. Was I in remembrance of Baba? Baba says that if your actions were powerful, and if there was less remembrance, then there isn’t balance. If your remembrance is powerful, and your actions are not powerful, then also there is no balance. I think through our stage, through our thoughts, we come to know what is missing or is less. So continue to have a balance of karma and remembrance by staying in this elevated stage. Throughout the day you will experience yourself coming close to the karmateet stage. I have to reach my final stage. So, keep courage and keep balance and continue. Baba says that throughout the day, while walking and moving, while eating and drinking, stay in the karmateet stage. What is that Avyakt angelic stage in the karma yoga stage? So karma yoga makes us Karmateet, karma yoga makes us angelic, karma yoga makes us Avyakt. So it’s not that I sit and say, “I am a form of light, I am an Angel”, no. How many are served through our thoughts, through our words, through our physical actions? We serve in all three different ways, and then if there is remembrance while doing karma, then we serve in a different way. If you are cooking, cook in Baba’s remembrance. If you’re eating, eat in Baba’s remembrance so that you keep becoming Karmateet, Angelic, Avyakt.
Om Shanti