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Be a karma yogi #29


Updated: Jul 28, 2024

Be_a_Karma_Yogi_29 Mohini_Didi         June 29, 2024

Om Shanti! 

So all the time that I saw Dadi‘s Manmohini, Dadi Prakashmani, Dadi Janki, especially what I noticed with Dadi Prakashmani towards the end, it could of course be the time to settle or practice to reach a certain stage. They call it Samadi, where you’re not suffering, even whatever body is going through. So, I remember once they were doing some procedure in Ahmedabad hospital and we were there, so we kept asking Dadi, “Are you feeling pain?” She said, “No”. We were feeling pain, seeing what they were doing to her. So, they are settling, but there is no pain. I saw the same with Hridya Mohini Dadi, Dadi Gulzar. Whenever we asked Dadi, “Do you have pain?” She said, “No.” It’s very interesting to see that their practice of bodiless stage was so much. This lesson is our first lesson, to go beyond the body, to go beyond body consciousness. So we know this, some of us practice, and some don’t really feel the need to practice. I think especially on this spiritual journey, we want a very smooth journey, and not obstacles in the form of the mental, emotional, physical, or relationships, whatever. It’s very important, as Baba said, to be a karma yogi. This whole month, every day we heard a different aspect. Every day the avyakti signal is something different, and made us reflect, understand, and practice. Whatever we practice, we heard about saving. That means that becomes your strength, that becomes your power, and at the right time you are able to use it. I will suggest that everyone during traffic control time at least 2,3 times out of 11,12 times because it is every hour, just practice bodiless stage and maybe in the end I will tell how to do that. So it is the drill of being bodiless. Actually the soul is bodiless. The soul is in the body, because the soul without a body cannot do anything, and body without soul cannot do anything. Can a soul do anything without body, or can body do anything without soul? So they always have to be combined. Am I doing action in the consciousness of ‘I am a soul’ or the consciousness of the body, in the sense of my name, my personality or authority, my position, some kind of body consciousness. The more our mind is detached from all that, it is easy to be bodiless.

Baba is saying that as physical illness of the body and the suffering of the karmic accounts pull you towards itself. Knee pain is very common after a certain age. Everyone says, “I have pain in my knee.” So one time, somebody went in front of Dadi Janki and said, “Dadi I have a lot of pain.” Dadi said, “The pain is in the knee, not on your face, so why is the face like that?” You understand then what our face should be like, always cheerful, always happy. So Baba says that when you say, “What can I do?” Otherwise fine, but there is severe suffering of karma. In this way, there is a particular old sanskar, or some pattern emerges, nature or habit, that pulls you towards yourself. So that too is suffering of karma. Karma becomes a sanskar, and the sanskar emerges in the form of habit, the form of nature, like you’re sensitive to certain things. Baba is saying that no suffering of karma will enable you to become a karma yogi. Therefore, again and again perform the drill of being bodiless, and continue to forget the awareness of the body. That is called bodiless stage. Bodiless does not mean that there is no body, there is body, but how do I look at body? As a costume, I am an actor, as an instrument, as a vehicle, as a house, as a temple. Whatever way you feel you can relate to the body. So, I am the one who is driving, the master, and the body is the vehicle. So whenever you are doing something, I am soul, I’m seeing through the eyes, I am a soul, doing things through my hands. Soul consciousness is reminding yourself that I am the soul using this body. So bodiless stages gives importance to the body, but I am not this body. So just with thoughts, take a few thoughts, and just go beyond, be detached. 

Om Shanti



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