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Be a karma yogi #30


Be_a_Karma_Yogi_30                      Mohini_Didi                      June 30, 2024

Om Shanti!

I think all of us must be benefiting from everyday's Avyakti signal, the understanding of it, the practice, and some of the attainments in our life. I found it very useful and the subtle aspects which Baba was bringing out by paying attention to awareness or paying attention to certain ways. There were very subtle aspects which sometimes we are not aware of that were brought up, and I felt every day that there was something new. Generally when you hear something new, you start reflecting because you want to understand before you start practising. You have to understand the whole thing. So this way our understanding becomes deeper, clearer, and that understanding helps us or kind of inspires us to practise. The practise is so simple, just think about it, think a few times a day, it's called practice. Then what happens is that you experience that stage and it becomes like your attainment. So I think that we all are paying attention, but I will still request that we pay a little more attention in the sense of going into a deeper understanding of that aspect. Baba is explaining and asking us to do it because Baba is our Master, our Unlimited Teacher, and He has been teaching for such a long time. So, I must say that we all have become action oriented. All the time, the intellect is with action, but how can I make awareness combined with that action, and that it is okay. Baba is my Boss, whatever I'm doing is not because someone is telling me, it's Baba’s directions. So there is this that kind of feeling. We are cooking, but we have to offer bhog, so for whom am I cooking? For Baba! Whose task is this? Whose instruments are we? We don't forget but it has to be turned on, and that is the awareness that Baba is our Teacher, He's teaching us, He's guiding us. So it had been a good month of that, and I must say that if you feel like going back and like yesterday I told them oh few days ago Baba talked about the karmateet stage and I felt really that we are close to the stage. So I went back and read it again, so all of you have recordings, you have YouTube. So, go back and if you need to, read it again. That same Avyakti signal which had helped you could be very good. So I must say that since we had been receiving from Madhuban, these Avyakti signals had been very beneficial and easy. There was a time we had to tell people to find some points on the topic from Murlis, and that was a lot of work, but now somebody does work and we all are able to get the points and it feels so good. Every night before sleeping, listening to Baba's signal, and then night time our dreams, our everything comes based on that. So I think it was a very good experience and I definitely know that or maybe I can say on behalf of all of you that we did benefit. Then practice is always very individual. Some like to practise more, some take it easy, so I would just definitely say try to understand, practice, and have the attainment of that.

Om Shanti 


Om Shanti!

The month of July is also an important month because it's the month of Didi Manmohini. She was my  sister in-charge in Delhi, and when Mamma left the body then Didi went and was with Baba to help in administration and other tasks. She was a person who was very loving, but also wanted us to be very accurate, and I kept mentioning that she was very particular about our words, what we say, how we say, and what we speak. I remember she would correct us for every word. So I always say, “Oh, this word is not in the Brahmin’s dictionary.” Brahmins have their own dictionary, we cannot use many words. Like saying, “This one is crazy.” I say that no, we cannot say that. So there are a lot of things which we might call external discipline. Like Didi was so particular about Amritvela. We were young and sometimes we used to miss it. So one time and then everyone was so scared, and one time she asked someone, “Oh, did you go for Amritvela?” She said, “I did.” Didi said, “Who was conducting?” That sister hadn't gone.. So she said, “Oh I don't remember”, and it was only four hours after Amritvela. So she knew that she didn't go for Amritvela. I always tell everyone that as long as you can go to Baba's room, to a proper place, you should go. Like Dadi Janki, every morning she would lift her body that was in so much pain or whatever, but she would always be there, which inspired many. Not only that but the foundation of foreign service was of her being so dedicated. 

So before we start the month of July, our practice of having good pure intentions and also elevated thoughts, elevated feelings for everyone. You know when we look at a person, the personality and the characteristics, all are different. Some of the things I always find that development of that or from the past is based on the part you have to play. An actor has to play a part, and will have many different things. The director teaches and interacts with the actors. They will have some particular sanskars, particular characteristics. So sometimes we might say, “Why are you doing this?” Maybe it is necessary for that person to do because of the role that person is playing. I myself found a change when I had been given more responsibility. My thinking is now different than when I was only a regional person, now it's worldwide. So I always think about the way I think or talk, so that the whole world can take some inspiration. So what I am saying is that we cannot be judgmental of people immediately by thinking, “Oh, this is not right.” We should try to understand but also for our own selves. I always think that whenever I have to do something, I think first for my own self, what should I be? How should I do it? What will help others? That is uplifting, knowing that this soul requires more strength in this, or more qualities in that, but not making that soul aware. To make someone aware of their weaknesses would be discouraging. I can cooperate the way Baba cooperates; to use that virtue which is required by another person. So I'm cooperating, let me be sweet. Whatever happens, I will be speaking gently, I will speak softly, I will say things in fewer words. So I take that dharna, and in my relationship with that person I keep using that dharna, because I know this will at least help the soul to see the better way. Otherwise, we keep saying things and sometimes it's okay. Sometimes a person might not necessarily be able to take that comment. 

So I really loved when Baba said that He is cooperating until the end. Baba doesn't come in the body, but we saw in the body too. I saw in Brahma Baba for so many years how He was helping us, uplifting us. Then I saw later with Gulzar Dadi as an instrument, and how she maintained God's qualities, even as a human being, like Mamma. One time we told Dadi Gulzar that even Baba is not in you, but when we come to see you, we feel that Baba is in you. She said, “I had to prepare, because you all didn't come to see me. You have come to see Baba, so I invoke Baba, Baba your children are coming. So my drishti gives you the feeling of Baba's presence.” So that means she also had to make some effort, but at least she did it and we felt it. So in the same way, I think for each one of us, we cooperate with everyone. I need to have patience, I need to be calm. So what I am saying is that every human being, every soul in this Drama has a different part to play. Your profession, your family, everything has some influence on a person, but now we are Godly children. So we always look at Baba. I always say that Baba was like this, Baba was so compassionate, so caring. Many times we are leaving, who is taking you, have you taken food, do you have everything, why does Baba have to ask? There are so many department, kitchen people they give you everything. So now when I also do that then they say that you don't have to worry about that. I'm not worrying, but I was given that by Baba, the cooperation or love I have to do the same because that's what my nature is now. 

So this way of uplifting others, like I always tell people that everyone is busy and when you are passing, just say, “Do you need help?” Even though you know you won't be because you have another task, but just saying that comforts that person. Otherwise they say that everyone is on their own. So uplifting and cooperation means sharing the virtue that the other person requires. So let's listen to what Baba is saying to have pure motives, intentions, and positive feelings. I would suggest elevated feelings for every soul. BapDada cooperates with you children in every task and He will continue to do so until the end. Baba doesn't dislike anyone, He always has elevated thoughts for even those who defame Him. Therefore follow the Father. Constantly have pure intentions and also pure feelings for every soul. So instead of wondering why someone did something, think about how you can benefit every soul, then you will be called a world benefactor soul who has pure thoughts, elevated thoughts for everyone. So you will become elevated, you will feel good all the time because of your own feelings of goodness for others, and watch everyone playing their part in a beautiful way.

Om Shanti 



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