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Be a karma yogi #4


Be_a_Karma_Yogi_4                           Mohini_Didi                         June 4, 2024

Om Shanti! 

Charitable actions are supposed to be such that you shouldn’t have attachment. So they always say that we surrender it to God. It is for God, in the name of God. Otherwise, even with charity, whether it is charity of time or wealth, any kind of charity that we do, we could have a subtle ego also. Then also what we thought was charity, actually you give money or give help, or you give food whatever, that is charity. When we came to Baba,we got knowledge. Even when it came to actions or interactions, we never gave whatever according to the customs and systems, also within the family. There are so many social customs in India, even if it is after marriage, how much money you have to give. Everything is a lot of interaction, and there is no charity involved. Now we are considering ourselves to be trustees of God. So when Brahma Baba got knowledge, there was a complete change. Before he would donate a lot of money for marriages if the parents were poor. Baba was known as a very good philanthropist. So many will come to Baba and say, “We need help.” Baba got many poor girls married. When he came into knowledge, he wouldn’t do that. He said, “Lust is a great enemy, and everyone has to remain pure.” So it was a complete change. That is actually what it means when you are on Godly service, that wherever you live, I always say, we use the word ‘surrender’. It is not the question of surrender that means just come and live at the center. Wherever you are, you are only on Godly service, Even when you go for your job or your lokik relationships, you have to serve. Still internally, you know it is for Baba’s service. Now God really doesn’t need any service. It is service to humanity. So why do they say, ‘service to God’? When it comes to ‘I am serving’ or ‘I am an instrument’, it is Baba’s service and I am doing it. There is a subtle difference between just doing a charitable action, and a charitable action based on Baba’s Shrimat. 

So, understanding Baba’s Shrimat, that while doing elevated actions you are not creating more karmic accounts. Sometimes even if you are doing good, charitable actions, it creates karmic accounts. So what’s the need, the purpose, when can we do it? All that has to be understood. So Baba is saying that every action we do, you should have the awareness that it is in the name of God. karma means relationship, interaction, and yoga means in the name of God. That means even our power of yoga is used for the service of humanity. In the name of God means doing the service of the Supreme Father or the interaction that I am doing something in the name of God. Both are together. Baba says that this is known as being a karma yogi, one who is following Shrimat. I am not a soul who just interacts, but who interacts with others and also does everything in the name of God. Whatever I am doing, I am doing for Godly service. With this awareness, with one body and at one time, I will be earning double income with the mind and the wealth, doing for the self,and doing for others in the name of God. With time, the consciousness really has become based on body consciousness. Even when people donate, they want their names to be written. In the Yagya, there was a policy that Baba said, “No one's name will be written.” Many people came and said, “We want to make a hall, make a room. We want to donate for this, but our name should be there.” Baba said that no one’s name will ever be written on any building, which you all have noticed. The names of buildings are like ‘Anand Bhavan’ or ‘Gyan Sarovar’. It’s a virtue in the name of the building. It’s not in anyone's name. So, we have this awareness of doing charitable actions, but don’t think that I am doing it. You are doing Godly service as a trustee, in the name of God.

Om Shanti



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