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Be a karma yogi #6


Be_a_Karma_Yogi_6                               Mohini_Didi                            June 6, 2024   

Om Shanti!

Om Shanti to all Karma Yogi souls sitting here or wherever you are. Karma Yogis are always very light, and they enjoy everything. Baba wants us to internally pay a lot of attention, to remain in the awareness that whatever I am doing, we call it Godly service. Baba has created this unlimited Yagya. Peace Village is completing 25 years. When I think about how we began, it is Baba's help, Baba's Direction, and everyone's cooperation that we have been able to continue. Dadi Janki used to tell us that whenever we will walk around, no one can take credit, it’s Baba, we all are instruments. In whatever way we are able to cooperate, whatever we are able to do, we do it. It's just like we say that a pond becomes full drop by drop. It is the same with our help, cooperation, contribution, everything makes tasks very easy. Baba is more into internal dharna. When we think of when Dadi Prakashmani was given Brahma Baba’s hand, she said, “How can I run the yagya?” There were only 300 of them and there were some visitors, but not too many. Then she said, “Oh, I will do it with Baba.” So, she would wake up at three in the morning and tell Baba, “Let's take care of Yagya today.” So, it's like there is always action. In a way, thoughts are also actions, because first you think, and then you do it in practical. So, she was very clear, just kept reminding herself, I have to be with Baba, and we will work together, it will happen. She used to remain very light, very joyful. So, it is the same even if the task is big. I remember when we were planning these meetings, the first USA meeting, then the regional meeting, and so many sevadharis and everything, transport, accommodation and food, but everything worked very smoothly. I didn't see anyone getting upset or saying that it's so difficult. Is there anyone? In the kitchen? No, everyone is happy. So, internally if you maintain love for Baba, love for family, love for the Yagya, then whatever we do, there is a lot of happiness. When there is happiness, nothing is difficult. So, what Baba is saying is to let the dharna that is our Dharma be complete. They say ‘Karma’ and ‘Dharma’. Karma is action, Dharma is religion, and they should be in balance together. Baba said to be an easy and constant Karma Yogi, that is, to be an easy Yogi who constantly stays in  samadhi. Baba says those who always remain Karma Yogi are virtuous Souls. So, Baba says that you cannot separate Dharma, that is dharna, and Karma, that is action. While performing any action, let your dharma, that is your religion or dharna be complete. When you are very busy in your actions, then let your dharna also be just as much. Baba said to let two sides of the scale be equal. Have this internal attention while doing actions. Baba says then you will be said to be elevated and one with a Divine intellect, a Karma Yogi soul. So, tomorrow our homework is to look at our balance of two scales of dharna and karma. Did I do it happily? Was I peaceful? Was I in Baba’s remembrance? Also, of course, doing whatever we have to do.

Om Shanti



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