Be_a_Karma_Yogi_7 Mohini_Didi June 7, 2024
Om Shanti!
Is everyone ok? Yes, everyone is ok. We are to be detached and lovely in actions, but also every action as an art, as something very special. When we go to Madhuban, every morning those who drink tea, at 3:30 the chai is ready. How many of you drink tea? Even here, many were saying that they don’t know who makes the chai, but they were very happy. Different brothers make it. Once I was traveling with the brother who generally makes tea early in the morning. So, I was asking him about his experience, how he does it. The one thing I have noticed is that in Madhuban everything is punctual like Bhog time is 12 or 5 to 12. You will see with the tray whoever has to take Bhog 5 to 10 in 11:55 or at 7:30 whenever they have to offer, they are very punctual, very accurate. That brother wakes up at 2:30, takes a shower, puts in a big pot of water for boiling. You know in India they use tea leaves because tea bags are very expensive, and also there is paper in them. They use tea leaves and boil it properly and put it in the milk and sugar and then they have to strain it in the strainer. They have very big sized strainers, big size pots, because they want not a cup of tea, but a glass of tea. Those who drink tea like it very much. I found that with Brahma Baba and then Dadi Prakashmani then the other Dadis, even now, everything is done. This time I went to the kitchen, actually spent a few days there because they wanted me to see these new machines, many new machines. They were showing me how this works and that works. Then they made sweet rotis sometimes for travel food. They make a few thousands so I just said, “Can I take a few to New York?” Sometimes I don’t eat dinner, I just take that with tea or something. They said “Yes, we will make hundreds for you.” I said, “What am I going to do with a hundred plus? How will we carry a hundred?” I told them just 10,12 is enough and when I came here, I found there were a hundred cookies, they call them sweet cookies. They do it not only with bhavna, but also you know so many things they were showing me, the mothers who are rolling those little things, sweet ones, and there were 100 of them. So, we gave them toli blessings. I always see Baba task, Baba‘s children. They do everything with a lot of love.
They say it is the art of being detached and lovely. It's really for me. We know intellectually what it is, but I also keep thinking about how to detach from actions. Think about it. Baba says to perform every actions with the art of being detached and lovely, not get irritated while you’re busy and somebody comes and says, “Can I have little more of this?” You say, “Oh, I’m busy.” No, you smile and you give. All the souls of the world will come to you with the desire to see the art of your alokik actions. You know when you think of Baba, Baba knowledge, Baba‘s children, then Baba’s Yagya and sustenance for 85 years. It’s amazing. Even the jobs people do, every chef I asked how long you had been doing this. Answers were 35, 40, 45 years. It’s alokik, but also one thing you will see is that whatever they do there is on time. Those who have to cut the vegetables keep everything ready, those who have to cook go just for two hours and they come out and then those who have to put it into buckets to serve their team come and they finish in time. Then those who have to clean come, but each one comes at their time. So Baba's children only have to pay attention to being detached and lovely. We don’t say, “Oh I miss this. I miss that.” We don’t miss anything, We have to be detached because everything changes. What I used to do 20 years 30 years ago I can’t do now, but I don’t miss it. I just say, “Ok, I used to enjoy it, but it’s alright now, I will enjoy something else.” So we have to be detached and lovely.
Om Shanti