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Be a karma yogi #9


Be_a_Karma__Yogi_9                      Mohini_Didi                       June 9, 2024

Om Shanti!

If there is a choice, what would you leave karma or remembrance? I think you cannot stop karmas for a long time, but sometimes we forget Baba for a long time. It's so interesting to think about how to integrate both because there is possibility, right? I am feeling so much love for Baba, feeling pull from Baba. So let me go and sit, stop the karma, and sometimes it is so busy I can't really feel Baba's love. So what should I do? So what is making effort? If I can do karmas and also be in loveful remembrance of Baba. I think for some actions or sometime during the day in practical we experience that, but it's not all the time. When Baba talks of love, whether it's love for parents, any relationship with Baba, but in the heart, there should be love for Baba about your Brahmin life. We really have so much fortune, but Baba always keeps saying that there is awareness but not emerged. It is the same as love I think, love is visible, it has to be visible when you think of someone who is loving and you are in love, your face will immediately become cheerful. As soon as you think of love, your face is very cheerful and smiling. So, I still figure out how in the morning when we wake up for Amritvela, there is so much love and actually for a few hours we just sit in that love. Then in love we also think of what we have to do for the day, right? So both can go together, remembrance or planning, remembrance and doing. So when there is really lots of love there is so much pull to sit, but sometimes we are so deeply involved in actions, there is a lack of that remembrance. We are there, but maybe paying a little more attention can help us. 

So I like it when Baba said that yoga means attention, attention to what? Remembrance. Just as you cannot stop performing actions, in the same way, do not let go of remembrance. This is known as being a karma yogi. Baba says that a karma yogi means that every soul has a vision to have love and relationship. We have a vision of love and relationship with The Father in every action. Many people say that I love to do this, I love to do that. I have to be in love while doing actions. So Baba says that from limited ordinary souls, from their face and their behaviour, it can be even that they are merged in someone's love. Even in an ordinary way, Baba says that love is visible on your face. So, Baba says in the same way, let your every action give the experience of being loving to The Father and then you will be said to be a karma yogi. Brahma Baba was a perfect example for that because his face had so much intoxication. It felt like he was smiling so much that sometimes it felt like dancing. Baba reminds us that they say, “I will eat with you, sit with you, talk with you, do everything with you.” So creating that presence of doing with Baba or Baba is the One who is making it happen, ‘Karankaravanhar’, that means we have to take some of the aspects so that there can be remembrance while doing actions. Like we are making Bhog, we have to offer to Baba, Baba as my Parents, Baba as my Teacher, Baba as Satguru, in different ways. So, maybe in the morning, every morning we just take a point from where the love can stay more in the emerged form so when I am performing actions, there is natural remembrance of Baba. 

So for tomorrow, we can think about it. Maybe we can say that Monday is the day of Shiva, that mostly there is silence or worshipping. So maybe I take  the thought that it's Shiva's day, Monday. So I have to be more in silence and also in loveful remembrance of Baba, because maybe keeping one point in our awareness can help us to bring that awareness in actions also. So, then we notice that as my remembrance increases for the day, that can help us to have yoga and actions, yoga in actions.

Om Shanti 



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