Liberation_ in_ life_2 Mohini_Didi December 2, 2023
Om Shanti!
God’s knowledge is very simple, but it is the guidelines for life nourishment for life sustenance. How we use it is up to us. Those who use it sensibly start living a perfect life. In other words, there is a proper balance of everything. They always say that they are Baba’s children, their face should look very full, full of all attainments, even their body might not be well, but we have to keep getting better and better. So the practices that Baba gives us, actually are the powers. This month, we're taking another chance to experience liberation in life. So don't take the points as just the points, but practice and see the attainments. I feel that my understanding is growing every day, like Baba is saying to be one who has all the ornaments. It was easy, we finished the attachments with relatives of the body, and possessions of the body, but a lot of effort is required to finish the consciousness of the body. For this practice, very strongly take the support of the physical body whenever you want, and become detached from whenever you want. Not to have liberation from having anything, means lack of power. If you want liberation from obstacles then imbibe power. That is, we want all the ornaments and powers. The swadarshan chakra, with which you cut off any kind of wasteful cycles of thoughts. Think about the beginning, middle, and the end. Our words should be like a conch, very awakening, and helping souls to increase their enthusiasm, light, and all the rights. So interesting that some of us feel our rights on the Yagya, but instead of experiencing claiming rights, we keep expectations. I should get this, everyone should love me. Just imagine if I have rights on the Yagya, why would I expect? I will take it, no? Yes, they say breakfast time and everyone goes for breakfast. It's not that when you are told breakfast then only you take, no, you have a right. So, claiming a right and remaining light. Always remember, this is our Yagya. I do my duty, I become cooperative, and also receive. I take it and I hear. So it's very interesting, obviously we need strong practice to be detached from the body. How do I look, how do I walk? A lot of attachment with personality. Let the personality of royalty emerge. How liberated you are from all attainments should appear from your personality, because you have no attachment, no attractions. Baba says, it's easy to be detached from everything else, but you have to be detached from the body. So, tomorrow we will really pay attention very often just to be detached from the body.
Om Shanti