Liberation_in_Life_7 Mohini_Didi December 7, 2023
Om Shanti!
Happy Sadguruvar! Everyone is okay? Baba doesn’t want us to spend our last part of the Confluence Age in an ordinary stage, trying to just keep fixing everything, but to go higher, be elevated, always think elevated, so that we can be lifted and of course uplifted also. That’s the signal I was getting from Baba. I don’t think anyone is free from the bondage of ’I’, consciously, unconsciously, we come into that ‘I’ of body consciousness. So actually, what do we have to do? Baba is giving a very good yukti, and also creating more and more soul consciousness. Practise what is your eternal stage? What is your original stage? So during the day you could also experience that stage while being a karmayogi. This way we really could help ourselves. As Baba says, “Sustain yourself and you will be able to sustain others.’ Your inspiration, your words, will help others. So how to just keep changing ’I’ as soul consciousness, but also elevated? Let me go beyond this, getting so caught up into small things, ordinary things. If you go beyond, it’s not only that I sustain myself, but others also could be sustained. Baba is saying that the most refined and beautiful thread is the word ‘I’. The word ‘I’ makes you soul conscious and this word ‘I’ can also bring you in body consciousness. So it’s so interesting between two ‘I’s, I am a soul then I am a body, or I am so and so. Even if you don’t remember, you don’t forget the body but at least ‘so and so’ comes in as a bondage. Body consciousness is, “I am so and so.” This whole idea appears, but if it could be soul consciousness, it would be beautiful. I know everything, what am I lacking in, I can do everything, I know who I am and what I am, how I tolerate everything, how I face problems and how I alone move along while having died alive. This ‘I’ has become very refined and the thread is in the wrong way instead of the right way. So, you become free from this bondage of ‘I’. So what does it require? The practice of soul consciousness, merged in Baba’s love, looking at others as souls, not looking into any Id’s, my Id or anyone’s physical Id. I think it requires a little attention, and if we do it, if we practise, each one of us will really feel different, elevated, higher, and the most important is spiritual. Spirituality at this time is very important, it helps others. So our personality then could reveal Baba. As Baba said, “Your personality should reveal Baba.” So think about it, reflect on that, and have some more beautiful elevated experiences.
Om Shanti