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Transcribed Classes

Become full of the treasures of happiness #16


Treasure_of_Happiness_16                    Mohini_Didi                      May 16, 2024   

Om Shanti!

Happy Satguruvaar to everyone. Baba showers so many blessings. Whatever Baba says, it has to happen in the Drama. We just have to take a step forward. So, today Baba is saying this now when it comes to a big heart, it’s also for courage. Sometimes we get discouraged, sometimes we say we have limits. So, should we stay within the limits or become unlimited? When we become unlimited, everything will become unlimited. So, this is really a point to think about, how I can always maintain a big heart and be unlimited. So, it's like crossing our limits. Baba said that this requires some courage, and then with Baba’s help, its experience. Baba said that it's very easy to become the bead of the rosary of victory. Every child, every soul has something special, and if we are unlimited it will be used in an unlimited way, otherwise it just remains limited in numbers, everything limited. Whatever Baba has given me at the Confluence Age, any specialty, or whatever is there, if you want it to multiply, then you have to think unlimited. We see worldwide Baba’s children, numbers are growing, centers are increasing, it’s a lot. You all don’t get a chance to see it in Hindi, but in Madhuban news they call it amazing. One center in one small village has 10 cows, so half of cow dung they change into biogas so they could cook for eight people. This is becoming so popular, these sisters, from nothing they are creating so much. Then they show that there is land, they can never grow anything, but suddenly they are growing so much. One kind of grape they say which never grows in Rajasthan, but Tapovan has two colored grapes showing. What is it that is making everything fruitful? Even nature is cooperating so much. So, I think that is what Baba is saying. To have the thought because thought is our seed. So, we have to keep putting in the thoughts. They will never go to waste. Maybe there are a hundred, ten that can fertilize and grow. 

So, always have big thoughts, elevated thoughts, and just be very generous. Generosity is not only about material things, because our first thought comes into, “Oh, we don’t have and if we give what will happen? Baba is not talking about material things, Baba is talking about thoughts, because thoughts are our treasure. If you have pure feelings in your thoughts, you have faith in your thoughts, you have purity in your thoughts, all that is wealth, all those are treasures in your thoughts. So, when Baba says to have pure thoughts, why does He say pure thoughts? It’s not just thoughts working, you have purity in the thoughts. So, with Baba’s message and the Avyakti signal or Bhog message, each one of us now has to think with a big heart and unlimited. So, everyday BapDada turns the beads of the rosary of you children. Feel that you are the bead of Baba’s rosary. You children have the fortune of happiness. It’s not a big thing to become a bead of the rosary of victory, but to become a bead of the rosary that the Father turns, is to have the fortune of happiness. Baba says that Bapdada has a big heart and unlimited heart. In the same way, you children have to become those with a big and generous heart of a bestower. With your constantly happy heart, Baba says that you are the ones who have the fortune of happiness, and make the whole world happy. In the Confluence Age, Baba talks of abundance, in the world outside, we don’t have, it's not enough, and here Baba says to have a big heart. Just imagine if each one of us imbibes that the whole world will be served, has to be served. 

Om Shanti



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