Treasure_of_Happiness_19 Mohini_Didi May 19, 2024
Om Shanti!
In this morning’s Murli, Baba gave one of the practices which can help us to create such self-respect, and looking at my own part, I can become free from sorrow. Whatever the situation, we have acceptance of that, and help others to be free from sorrow. Baba is saying not to think of everyone's part alone, but I also have to think about what had been my part. At the Confluence Age, to create an elevated awareness is very important, especially that I was in The Golden Age, what was my part? So today Baba took us into different forms, different ages, and what was our part? We always hear in the Murli, be Swaadarshan Chakradhari. Looking at the part of the self and keep creating awareness by thinking about it, thoughts and awareness. It is through the thoughts that awareness is created. We remain in awareness, then we will also become embodiment of that. This is how we will help others by creating the feeling that this is the family of elevated souls. If there is a thought, that thought is the seed. So when pure thoughts come, you should sow those thoughts. If you keep very good quality seeds, you reserve them, keep them. If you don't use them, don't sow them, then there will never be fruit of all that. I can also see how much attention is required to sow the seed, to play the part. So no matter how many adverse situations come in front of you, by emerging the right awareness, you are ignorant of the knowledge of sorrow. So, we have to practise that awareness or stage, then it will help us a lot to emerge the elevated sanskars, because the soul has both types of sanskars. The soul has elevated sanskars, ordinary sanskars, and the Copper Age and Iron Age are all sanskars of sorrow. There were constant tears, and we always think sympathy is also being sad, so that the other person can feel that somebody is sympathising with me. Someone leaves the body, and if you don't cry, it is not considered to be good right. So practise. I think whatever is required in our life is more practice.
Awareness is something which is very incognito. I just need to keep attention on myself while playing my part, what is my awareness? Someone said to me today as a new student, “How do I remember? I really want my remembrance to be consistent, not only in the morning or evening.” I said, “24 hours, we do action, you start your car, you turn on the key, remember Baba. You wake up in the morning, Father, then Baba teaches, Teacher, following Shrimat by the Satguru. So keep the whole day, if you really think that every action I do, even drinking water, I take a minute, remember Baba, I eat food, I remember Baba, I'm speaking to someone saying Om Shanti, remember Baba. At least 80 to 100 times you are remembering Baba, and that is consistent. So, it's the whole day, not balance but integration. So we will feel that there is remembrance of Baba almost the whole day, but most of the souls say, “How can I remember Baba the whole day?” I said, “We can, and in a natural way.” That's what our Dadis did, always Baba is with them. I eat with You, sit with You, talk with You, walk with You, it's like company.
So, Baba is saying that no matter how many adverse situations come in front of you, you are ignorant of the knowledge of sorrow. This has to be the stage, and it will be through the right that you have received from the Ocean of Happiness, you still have to say ‘Wah sweet Drama, Wah every actor's part’! So, with the enlightenment of knowledge, with the right of happiness, transform sorrow into happiness. So constantly swing in the swings of happiness and become an instrument to give others vibrations of happiness. So, I was very fascinated if you really connect the Avyakt Murli, which is read on Sunday, the homework then which is given the blessing of the day, then homework which is given as Avyakti signal, they all are very connected. That is why when we revise a very little part of Avyakt Murli for six days it is really very powerful. So, at least for me, I'm taking that I have to think of my elevated part. Baba says that we are the highest, most elevated souls in the whole world. Baba gave us many reasons. We have to just trust and stay in that intoxication.
Om Shanti