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Transcribed Classes

Become full of the treasures of happiness #21


Treasure_of_Happiness_21                  Mohini_Didi                  May 21, 2024

Om Shanti! 

It is so beautiful when Baba says that awareness brings intoxication. The way Baba is explaining today; we were deities, we are deities, and we are becoming deities. We have this divine sanskar. We are bestowers in a very natural way. In the Golden Age, we were deities, and at present, we are becoming deities, by performing the acts of divinity, acts of bestowing, and in future again, we will be deities. It is so beautiful. We should feel this intoxication. I think each one of us feels the divine being of the self where we are generous, kind hearted, compassionate, loving, and of course, we want to share with everyone. Even generally we say that we have to share the message. We have to share the knowledge, but actually, even when you are sharing knowledge, you are sharing love and feelings of benevolence, kindness. Many qualities are actually expressed by giving knowledge. When Baba speaks Murli, we can feel so much love from Baba. It feels like He really wants us to be deities, become deities, so we are deities in the Golden Age. So, bestower is the main sanskar of deities. What is it to be a bestower? Everything begins with thoughts and feelings. Generally, we think that giving is more external. External  is just an act, it is all internal. If I am loving, then definitely I would like to care. It is caring for one’s own feelings and feelings of others. So very beautifully Baba is saying that in every thought of you elevated souls, let there be the feelings of benefiting, and transforming them in an elevated way, making them independent from that influence. Most of the time when a soul is influenced, then the thought, interaction, activity, everything, is not of deity. I remember one time somebody asked Dadi Gulzar, “Why, after 20 years of purity and tapasya and renunciation, souls still express some of the sanskars of anger, greed, or attachment?” Dadi Gulzar said, “Because at that time, they are not Brahmins. So the sanskars of Kaliyug or the sanskars of the Copper Age emerge. Now we have to pay attention to let the sanskars of deities emerge. So blessings from the heart and congratulations.The happiness of each one should be visible in you in a natural way, because all of you are bestowers, deities, the ones who give. All the time, Baba says only one thing, how to give and what to give. The most powerful are our vibrations, and vibrations from our attitude, like forgiveness, not holding anything for any one, unlimited, many good qualities should emerge. So then the qualities of other ages, especially of Copper and Iron Ages, don't emerge. The virtues and qualities, the sanskars of the Golden and Silver Ages should emerge. So, it is very beautiful.

Om Shanti




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