Treasure_of_Happiness_22 Mohini_Didi May 22, 2024
Om Shanti!
How many are mothers sitting here? Show the hands. Majority, right? So Baba is praising mothers. Baba came and gave responsibility of the Yagya to the mothers.
There is a nurturing quality, and a lot of love, but then Baba said that the pandavs are no less. There are only five, but sometimes Baba said that they are equal to 100 shaktis. So whether it is shakti or pandav, everyone has to remain in their self-respect, understanding our part whether incognito or visible, both ways, we just keep playing our part in a proper way. Baba looks at our specialties, and in one Murli, Baba said, or it was in the blessing, that our specialties are gifts from God. They actually use the word prasad. It's like God has given us holy food, a sacred gift to us. We use two words for happiness; one is ‘sukh’ and the other is ‘khushi’. So I've been thinking, “Are both the same or different?” So I said that khushi is internal, connected with mind and feelings, but sukh is where you have everything comfortable, facilities, everything going well, no conflict inside or in family anywhere. We remain very happy or we remain sukhi.
A lot of people ask the question about dreams. They dream about all kinds of things. Sometimes we find that some of the task we found difficult, we start dreaming about it. Also, before sleeping, if you really properly stay 10 or 15 minutes in Baba's remembrance, then you will be singing the praise of Baba, and you will experience Baba's presence. So at night time, we should avoid reading anything. If you have to read, read Murli, but not your emails or many different things. This is what I find that even the Dadis, after evening meditation, Murli, we have Avyakti Parivar, after that, don't go into any other topics. At least I find it very disturbing. So I tell everyone that if it's not urgent, then we will talk tomorrow morning. We can talk, but not at night time. It depends, like some people could sleep within a minute, but we take time. Even if you sleep, your dreams are based on your last kind of issue or subject or circumstances or anything. So we have to observe what kind of dreams come and what they are connected with, and try that from the evening you change your conversation, your practice. Then sleep with that love for Baba. Sometimes at 8:00 in Avyakti Parivar, we play very beautiful songs and I like them very much. So you are very intoxicated and you really want the whole night to have that experience, but it's not you alone, right?. You always have some surroundings and so people shouldn't talk about ordinary things. For me, it affects me, I don't know about others. So I always say that we can talk tomorrow.
There was a time, Baba used to have short night classes, then all of us would go in our rooms. We had Baba's light and at 8:30, quarter to 9, we sat with Baba and with this Baba's light, our Sweet Home and sleep. We wake up in the morning with remembrance of Baba, all that was very natural, but now because of the lack of attention on what we are doing in the end, then naturally the dreams are kind of influenced by all that. So we have to pay attention as Baba is saying, there shouldn't be dreams of sorrow and of why that happened. Baba said that maybe what has happened is that Maya in some way or other has deceived you. Baba is saying that if you are ever deceived by Maya in any way the sign of those who are deceived is that they experience waves of sorrow. So check in what you were deceived, and why you experience waves of sorrow. You are the children of the Bestower of Happiness, and so your dreams should also be of happiness. Our world can be Baba, so there are dreams of happiness. You should have dreams of happiness, service, and of celebrating a meeting. Your sanskars have changed, and Baba says that your dreams have also changed.
You know there is so much, we have a big family, a lot of people, contacts, then we have the divine family, right? So there are so many people, but the way I interact with them. Sometimes in Drama, just some things happen that are very subtle. It could be attitude or just some karmic accounts,some kind of misunderstanding can happen. It causes sorrow on both sides, but if we remain in our self-respect, and we know Drama and Baba are the ones who make things happen. As we grow, we progress faster, and many tests come of a new kind, which you have never experienced before. That's why it is a test. So, do not take anything to the heart, because that means that sorrow comes. So Maya is happy that she deceived you. That means we are defeated, but just remind yourself of your blessings that Baba gave and the blessing Baba gave is that we are victorious souls. We are Baba's children. We are the beads of victory. We will always be victorious whatever happens, and your stage of victory will beat the drums of happiness for everyone. You will be the one who will be able to reveal Baba.
So there are many on the journey, many tests will come. I realise that all these are very funny situations but they do come to test how unshakable we are in our stage. So, don't be scared of your dreams. I remember some nights when I used to travel a lot that I reached the airport and they were asking me for my passport, but I didn't bring it. I forgot every time, and it had never happened. All kinds of dreams come about travel and all the dreams were completely against what had happened. So some people say that when you are alert and cautious then the subconscious mind works in a different way. Oh I forgot this. So dreams can be adverse, dreams can be for the future, dreams can be of the present, but we should keep the aim that our dreams should be of joy, of happiness, our dreams should be of meeting family, BapDada. A lot of people say that we want to dream of the Golden Age, of nature and dancing. It is good to dream a heavenly dream. So, from now on we will pay a lot of attention to our dreams. So, let us remember Baba and plan for our dreams.
Om Shanti