Treasure_of_Happiness_26 Mohini_Didi May 26, 2024
Om Shanti!
Everyone is okay? I don't know how much you hear or get vibrations of what is happening at Peace Village. It's a very beautiful gathering of many instruments. The meeting actually finished, some left, some are leaving within a day or two. I know that whatever Baba says is something different and new. I know that He had been saying for quite a while: “check your stock, check your stock” and then generally our stock is more. We have enough grains or we have everything in stock, but the stock Baba is talking about is in the soul, in the thoughts. So, I was wondering why Baba keeps emphasising the treasures of love and peace. Baba knows the needs of the souls, and what they need at present is some kind of power, virtue. Baba calls that upliftment. Sometimes there is confusion, sometimes lack of hope, sometimes the path is not clear, no enthusiasm.mThat's a very common emotional need of the soul. So now I realise that even within the Brahmin family, I keep asking, “Do you need anything? No one needs anything. Baba’s all instruments are full but then when it comes to real cooperation or charitable actions, it is more about what a soul can share with another soul. This becomes a kind of nature to share, to give. Sometimes there is the nature of charity, and very altruistic feelings that they want to serve, they want to cooperate. So, now is the time to use our treasures, multiply them, so that it is possible for the whole day, many situations come, but I stay peaceful. I accumulate peace and love in thoughts. So as many qualities, as many virtues and powers I use, that is added to my treasure store.
So, it's almost the end of the month where we have been listening to Baba’s Avyakti signals from Avyakt Murlis, how to accumulate the power of happiness, or the treasure of happiness. Baba is saying to be one who uplifts others. Upliftment especially with the power of your mind. So we cannot allow wasteful thoughts, weak thoughts. Always maintain hope, always maintain love, always maintain courage, keep going on maintaining, and that is where the storage will get full. So it is with the power of your mind, with the power of words, our words should be enlightened, awakening, empowering. Never say anything where anyone can lose hope and say “Oh, I don't know now what to do in my life.” So, it's very interesting to see and watch the quality of our words. Baba says that the power of your words is with the colour of your company. What do people learn? Whatever type of actions or our relationships will be, others are watching it. So there should be such beautiful and loveful relationships so that anyone who is around us can also take that, be coloured with that. It is the colour of your company with the love of your relationships, and with the unending treasure of happiness. Happiness should be easy, but it seems to be most difficult to remain happy all the time. Continue to donate constantly. Any soul who comes into contact with you, let him go away having become full with the treasure of happiness.
There was a radio program or television program in India, called “Year 24”. So this person is interviewing a very famous guru of India, about Brahma Kumaris. Like he was asking him why Dada Lekhraj was given the name Prajapita Brahma. He explained from the scriptures that Brahma is about money. However, one thing he said is that most of the things when you are in Shantivan or wherever is the energy which you feel, the power which you feel, the happiness which comes which is not given by anyone. This energy shows, and then he said how the world tells everyone that they are in depression and doctors will give a lot of medicine, but it's only Brahma Kumaris who can change that and help people to come out of this depression. He was saying such a beautiful thing and then explaining also that they have a lot of points about doubts. So, I'm just giving examples in the sense that such clarity was given. When you become a constant and great donor in this way you will be called one who uplifts others. So what is service now for us? How to donate, but then every time the whole day how to keep more and more of the stock full. If the stock is full, then I can definitely donate the very subtle service, mansa seva. Baba says to serve through the mind, and that's the highest kind because life changes, the person looks lighter and happier. That should be the personality of every Baba’s child.
Om Shanti