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Transcribed Classes

Become full of the treasures of happiness #27


Treasure_of_Happiness_27                     Mohini_Didi                      May 27, 2024

Om Shanti Everyone!

I'm looking at your faces. Are you all happy? Yes, very happy. One of the greatest happiness is when we are in the family, when we are together in the gathering, and especially when we know that we will be sharing, sharing our plans, sharing our efforts, sharing our churning. Whenever it is time to share, there is happiness. I know Dadi Janki had a lot of churning in the afternoon. When we are in Madhuban, we would go in her room and meditate with her. Then some of us tried to go after 7:30, and she wouldn’t let us go. We hadn't shared yet, we had to share very deep churning and she would also share. Many ask questions like, “How do we give sustenance?”  That’s why I asked them, “How do you sustain yourself?” The way you sustain yourself, the same churning, is the way you sustain others, but if you haven't churned all day, then there will be nothing to share. Baba had been talking a lot about sharing happiness, donate happiness. How do we donate happiness? I always say, do we tell a flower, “Now please spread fragrance.” If we tell it that, will the flower be able to do that? The fragrance is so natural that we look around and wonder from which flower this fragrance is being spread. So, happiness is something which is visible, but also invisible. It has very powerful vibrations, and we all have experience. When I know that Dadi is about to arrive, we used to feel so happy. Her stage was consistent happiness, imperishable happiness. So then she also became the bestower of happiness. One is giving gyan, conducting meditation, but happiness is not only for one hour, two hours, but happiness all the time. Not only when we are sitting in yoga, but also while doing karma yoga. 

So our homework for tomorrow is to be consistently happy, and it should be visible that you are happy. Happiness is not only nourishment, bringing energy, but happiness is also power. When you are happy, you start doing something, even if it's a little bit hard or longer, it doesn't affect you. You keep doing it happily. If you are not happy, you feel like, ‘How long do I have to do this?’ So we experiment with the power of happiness. Tomorrow, I know a lot is happening, coming and going. Each one of us will get something to do as karma yoga during the day. Our happiness will help us to take maximum benefit of whatever Baba is giving us according to Drama, according to our fortune. So your happiness will help you to receive, you will feel very open. There was a very beautiful message that Baba gave yesterday morning, that every petal of the flower has to open. Each one of us have all qualities, all powers, but they are in the bud form. So we let the sunshine of Baba help us blossom, and you yourself will be happy to see how many good qualities you have, how many blessings you have. When you start seeing that, you will be very happy and never compare. I don't know many things. I don't know many things off the top of my head, but I'm happy that I am a co-operative soul. 

All the virtues and powers are in each one of us, so I request everyone to look at your own virtues. This is not ego, it is self-respect. Sometimes we are a little bit down, seeing that another one is an expert, the other one is doing it and I can’t. Never look at others, look at Baba, look at yourself, and see how Baba’s Drishti is helping you to blossom and to be happy. So the homework for tomorrow is continue to share happiness, continue to give. It's only when we have that we can give. At present, everyone needs imperishable happiness. All are beggars for happiness. You are the children of the Bestower of Happiness, so  the duty of you children of the Bestower is to give. Whoever comes into contact and relationship with you, continue to share happiness. Continue to let no one leave empty,  but they become full. So try to always look at the self, the fullness. There might be some emptiness, but don't look at that. Even Baba said, change weaknesses, change them into your strength. I always say, “At least I can do this”, or “At least I can do that.” This will help you to be fully blossomed and always happy and you will also make others happy.

Om Shanti



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