Treasures_of_Happiness_28 Mohini_Didi May 28, 2024
Om Shanti!
Think about how many times each one of us goes in front of a mirror to see our face. Whenever we have to go somewhere, to give a talk, we want to make sure our face is okay, our hair, everything is okay. So our face reveals our stage also. I remember that whether it is pain in the body or a situation or anything, for some, it shows on the face. When someone went to Dadi Janki, her face was in a lot of pain, so Dadi said, “What happened?” The person said, “You know, I have pain in my knee.” So Dadi said, “But not in the face. So why is your knee pain visible on the face?” I remember many things, many times when Dadi would mention, why some situation or any matter should be on your face? We have a regional retreat starting, and they were asking, “What’s the topic?” We just finished the other meeting, so the topic is the same. So tomorrow we will be revealing Baba through yourself, self revealing. That is really from the face, right? If we practice in such a way whatever is happening, it shouldn’t go in such a way in our mind and intellect that it shows on our face, or even in our activity. It’s always like subtle conflict or the mind is divided. Am I keeping with my spiritual growth? Sometimes you feel like you have to be perfect, or sometimes I feel I have to be more realistic. So how do we maintain our stage and also do what we have to do? It’s easy, but sometimes we feel it’s not real, it’s not practical. What I find is that sometimes, like in the morning, we hear things, and some are very big, but then later, I just don’t even remember. I say, it’s a scene of Drama. We have to give our opinion, we have to give a proposal, whatever it is, but I always say that Baba is the One who will fix it. So, I always think of those souls who are creating these situations and say, it’s only Baba, give them a good intellect and a pure intellect, give them sakaash. Towards the end it is happening and it will happen more, not only in the outside world, but within our own family, the BK family too.
So Baba is giving us homework for tomorrow,,keep emerging your honor. How will a Goddess’s face be? How will an angel’s face be? What are we? Who are we? We will remind ourselves what we are becoming, because that’s the effort we are making. Then Drama, scenes, karmic accounts, unlimited things happen. So should I get involved? Maybe we need some time, or should I just maintain my stage, and then from the vibrations, Baba’s help will take care of everything? So for that, Baba is telling us, we need our elevated honor and self respect. What are we? What are we becoming? To always have zeal and enthusiasm means to maintain your elevated honor and self respect. Always maintain the honor that you always remain happy, and that you are the children of the Bestower who always give happiness to others. You are those who always give, not those who take. Sometimes we have expectations. A person is passing in front of you, and they may be busy for whatever reason, they didn’t acknowledge or smile at you, then you start thinking, “Why didn’t she smile?” and it affects you. Then I think that I am not going to smile the next day. That shouldn’t be, right? One person didn’t smile, so I should smile more to that person, because it’s like leading by example. Once I went to Baba’s tour in South America, and Sister Maura took me somewhere with this person who was a very good journalist. One of his difficulties was because of reading world news, listening to news, he was very sad and he would never smile. We Brahma Kumaris, all we do is smile. Some or other year I saw him and he was smiling. I thought that these virtues are very contagious. You maintain it and do it in your thoughts, in your words, then another person will pick it up. Baba says to be just like Dadi Prakashmani, with anyone, everyone, she would smile and say good morning and good night. So we have to maintain that, because that becomes our memorial, that becomes our stage by doing everything in the awareness of our self honor and self respect.
Om Shanti