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Transcribed Classes

Become full of the treasures of happiness #29


Treasure_of_Happiness_29                 Mohini_Didi                  May 29, 2024

Om Shanti!

Is everyone happy? Imperishable happiness, right? Anything we receive makes us happy, but we need to remain happy all the time, imperishable happiness, we distribute happiness, we are receiving and sharing with others. When people go to pilgrimage places, they bring a little bit of what they call holy food or prasad, and when they reach home they give a little of the prasad to so many people. I remember that some of us were fortunate enough to be able to go on stage when Baba was there, or even now, we get tolis, sweet and salty. So then they give us a zip lock bag and I put everything in there. Then as soon as I came back, Bhumi said. “Give give give.” I brought for all of you. So those who help and everyone takes a piece and I feel happy. So first you are happy, but then as many you can share with, that is your fortune. I give you the example that in our hearts we are happy because we want to see everyone happy. The well-being of everyone, everyone should be okay, their mind should be happy, body should be healthy, relationships should be good, but for that, sharing is important. I remember a few years ago there was ‘Couples Retreat’ and one sister came and she was so much after me. I want to teach you some exercise, I really want to teach you. I said that I don't have time, but she didn't give up. So I said, “Okay, I will learn.”  There were some postures she felt could help me a lot. So even now she comes on Zoom twice a week and whoever wants to join to do those posture can do so. Now when I learned, everyone came to know, and it has become so popular now. I feel so happy, and then I remind myself that I still have to do it, right? The others are doing it anyway. Simple breathing exercises, certain things because these days the elements are very tamoguni. So the food we eat whether organic or whatever, but still the elements are tamoguni. The body needs certain things you know. 

So receiving brings happiness, then we share, whether it's your churning which could help, whether it's your cheerful face, whether you are looking well. So happiness is very much connected to first I receive, and then I distribute. So that's what Baba is giving us, a signal and homework for tomorrow that we should distribute, Baba is using the word ‘dil khush toli’. So you receive, then you eat and also share with others. At every second,how many seconds in a minute? 60 right? So how many thoughts come in one second? Whatever thought you have or action you perform, let each action and every thought be one that gives congratulations. Whoever you meet or whoever is living with you, always continue to give them happiness and feed them dil khush toli. If we are five members, 10 members even if one is not happy, we make sure that everyone is happy. So Baba says to constantly continue to dance with happiness in your mind, and Baba has been telling us that happiness is a kind of nourishment, it's like a diet. So if everyone is happy, continue to dance with happiness in your mind and in service, continue to share the treasure of happiness. No one around us should be sad. So what do we do? We know what will make this person happy, right? I find that if you give respect, respect will increase. Whenever I see someone is a little down, it is because self respect is down. Our giving respect is increasing their self respect. So I feel happy and that has become like dil khush toli. When some complaints came to Mama, she always said to that soul, “You are so good at doing this and this.” She gave the whole list, and then at the end she would say, “Just pay more attention to this.” She would never say that you are lacking, because that's not what she wants to share, and that's not what that soul wants to hear. So I think that this is very important to see that we all are happy, not only that I am happy. When I have to eat lunch and there are five people, I ask, “Have you eaten, have you eaten?” Even people say, “Why do you have to ask? They eat anyway.” I say, “That's my habit.” I'm just giving an example of sharing with others and that's giving happiness. It's not only thoughts but also in actions, happiness in every thought and action. In Madhuban, Shantivan, I found out that this is good and we can get it. So I said, “Okay, the regional meeting is happening, let's get some for everyone.” So we brought suitcases full for you, and on the day of gifts, we will give to you, all the way from Shantivan. So always have pure thoughts of sharing in thoughts and actions. 

Om Shanti 



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