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Transcribed Classes

Become full of the treasures of happiness #30


Treasure_of_Happiness_30                  Mohini_Didi                        May 30, 2024   

Om Shanti!

Happy Satguruvaar to everyone. Such a beautiful blessing; Baba says that we all should say, “Wah my fortune!” Say it a little louder, “Wah my fortune!” We have to keep invoking. So, it's a very beautiful blessing on the day of Satguru. I like the point that Baba is saying, because the quality of thought and then the happenings we want, the things that happen around us, one word which is used in Hindi is ‘shubh’ and that means auspicious. One is elevated, “shreshth’, but auspicious means very good fortune or everything auspicious, but are my thoughts auspicious? If I want everything in my life to be auspicious, then my thoughts, Baba says every thought, should be auspicious, not only elevated. It's more than elevated, very pure. Baba is saying in the Murli, that two powers are needed. Why do sanskars emerge? You have less power to erase, or another power that Baba is talking about; the power to merge. If it's completely merged, it won't come back again. You should also become an embodiment of awareness. Awareness is not visible, but when you are an embodiment of that awareness, it is visible. I am a fortunate soul is an awareness, but really from my face, that happiness I have, expresses my fortune, I am an embodiment. So, these days Baba has been saying a lot to keep your awareness in an emerged form. An emerged form means your look, your walk, your talk, you are an embodiment of that awareness. Baba's love, looking at each one, increases our value. Just imagine if Baba is looking at each one of us as a valuable diamond. What Baba expects from us is that we should also, not only for ourselves, but towards everyone, look at everyone as so valuable, everyone. Brahma Baba really did that too. So, make everyone feel how important, how necessary and essential every Baba's child is. Like actors, whether as a hero actor role, or a little role, but they all are very important in the Drama, which has to be played. 

The slogan or signal from Avyakt Bapdada is for tomorrow's homework is to keep saying “Wah my fortune!” Even for your health, breathing is very important. So when you say ‘wah’, it's like you're doing good breathing, prayanam. So that is why it is the same as saying ‘accha’. Accha is very good. When you say Accha, your lungs are really Achha. Right, Dorothy Bhen? She keeps saying, “Accha”. Wah fortune Wah! So, tomorrow you will breathe with the word ‘Wah’. So, Baba says, I was saying in Hindi that fortune is your stock. Baba keeps saying that He keeps checking your stock. That means fortune. Today, I was saying that whatever karmic settling or scenes of Drama are there, it’s so beautiful that your heart says, “Baba, wah Baba, wah my fortune.” Baba can help you to create fortune, but you should be able to receive it. When I think of my relationship with Brahma Baba and the love that I received, I immediately say that he gives love to everyone. Then I say it's my fortune, I got it also. The one who sustains us, one who teaches us, gives us Shrimat, these days a good consultant, you go to a good lawyer, you know how much they charge you? They charge for every little thing. One private tutor, how much do they charge? With Baba, Shrimat is available. Baba gives us Shrimat and what else, blessings upon blessings. Any little step we take, Baba gives blessings. The one who fulfills the responsibility of Love at every moment in our daily schedule is God. I always say that whatever difficulties or obstacles come, we will make it, because Baba is with us, and we do make it, even if it's at the last minute. So, Baba says that we are with God himself, and to keep this fortune in your awareness. Constantly continue to swing in the swing of happiness and sing this song ‘Wah my fortune’. So, what is this swing? Baba says today that Baba gave us His lap, he gave us His heart throne, and now we got the swing. So, you have so many beautiful sports where you can spend your day. Whatever we are doing the whole day, Baba gives us company. So, I always say that whatever happens externally, keep your mind very stable. Keep concentration of the intellect, because that is what is needed. That's our service. If you are able to do that, that's what is called being a valuable diamond.  

Om Shanti



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